In college, while
studying to be a
preschool teacher, I took a course
in children’s
literature. I remember
the day I fell in
love with children’s
books. I knew at that moment that
some day I would
write picture books. While working to become
published, I discovered
a passion for nonfiction as
well. Now I write both.
I often visit schools to share my love of books and
writing with children.
I also enjoy speaking to adults at conferences and
workshops. Find out more about
me, my
books, and my author
When I'm not writing or visiting schools, I may be
getting together with
my long time writing group and dear friends, The
Write Sisters. Otherwise, you will
find me working in my
garden or feeding the birds in my yard.
-Kathy |
What's New: America's
Notable Women Series
Silver Medal Winner 
Best Book Series-Nonfiction Series
And congratulations to: 
Zoot Suit
Clothes, Culture and
by Barbara J. Turner

Gold Medal Winner
Nonfiction-Chapter Book
Barbara is long time friend
and member
of my writing group, The Write
Congrats, and well deserved, Barb!
further information on the
Notable Women's Series
or Zoot Suit Riots, go to:
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