| 1900s | 1910s
| 1920s | 1930s | 1940s | 1950s | 1960s |
1970s | 1980s
| 1990s | 2000s
| 2010s
Board Books
| Easy Readers |
Golden Books | Other
Books | Story
Collections | Magazines
My main interest is to show the progression of the
illustration styles over time. For that reason, I have sorted by
the copyright date of the interior illustrations in the copy
displayed, not by the number assigned the title. The number
below each book indicates the number first given to that title.
Further information about which printing or edition is shown, or
details about changes made, are noted as known. For
a list of my books in order by the number assigned to the title,
click here.
Click on image to see sample pages, as well as
further information on selected books.
Tractor Trouble
by Frank Berrios
c. 2011
Golden Books/Random House
24 pages
Big Heroes
by Bill Wrecks
Illustrated by Dan Schoening
c. 2011
Golden Books/Random House
24 pages
Coming Soon
SpongeBob Squarepants
Sponge in Space
Adapted by Geof Smith
by Heather Martinez
c. 2012
Golden Books/Random House
24 pages
Monsters, Inc.
Adapted by Andrea Posner-Sanchez
Illustrated by the
Disney Storybook Artists
c. 2012
Golden Books/Random House
24 pages
Coming Soon
Dog McStuffins
A Knight in Sticky Armor
Adapted by Andrea Posner-Sanchez
Illustrated by Mike Wall
c. 2012
Golden Books/Random House
24 pages
Coming Soon
SpongeBob Squarepants
Where the Pirates Arrgh!
Adapted by Melissa Wygand
by Heather Martinez
c. 2013
Golden Books/Random House
24 pages
Monsters University
Adapted by Tennant Redbank
Illustrated by Matt Cruickshank
Designed by Stuart Smith
c. 2013
Golden Books/Random House
24 pages
Sofia the first
The Perfect Tea Party
Adapted by Andrea Posner-Sanchez
Illustrated by Grace lee
c. 2013
Golden Books/Random House
24 pages
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Green vs. Mean
Adapted by Andrea Posner-Sanchez
Illustrated by Mike Wall
c. 2014
Golden Books/Random House
24 pages
Coming Soon
Dog McStuffins
As Big as a Whale
Adapted by Andrea Posner-Sanchez
Illustrated by Mike Wall
c. 2014
Golden Books/Random House
24 pages
Coming Soon
Bella's New Baby
by Sue Fliess
Illustrated by Violet Lemay
c. 2016
Golden Books/Random House
24 pages
Coming Soon
The Story of Easter
by Jean Miller
Illustrated by Jerry Smathc. 2018 (Illus.)
(text c. 1999)
Western Publishing/
Penguin Random House
24 pages
(Golden Books Con't)
1950s 1960s
1970s 1980s
1990s 2000s
(Back to General Collection)
| 1900s | 1910s
| 1920s | 1930s | 1940s | 1950s | 1960s
| 1970s | 1980s
| 1990s | 2000s
| 2010s
Board Books
| Easy Readers |
Golden Books | Other
Books | Story
Collections | Magazines
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