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Books from the 1960s
(Sorted by copyright date of Illustrations. Click on
image to see sample pages)
Caldecott Honor
1960 |



*Inch by Inch
by Leo Lionni
c. 1960
Astor-Honor, Inc.,
New York, 1960
1994 Scholastic paperback
First of 4
honor books by Lionni
The Little Tiny Rooster
by Will and Nicholas
c. 1960
Harcourt, Brace &
World, Inc.
Weekly Reader
Book Club Edition
by Janice
by Roger Duvoisin
c. 1960
Whittlesey House/
for Frances
by Russell Hobann
Pictures by Garth Williams c. 1960
Harper & Row
Scholastic edition
The Things
I Like
by Francoise
c. 1960
Charles Scribner & Sons
First Edition

Bruno Munari's
c. 1960
The World Publishing Co
Pass the Grass
by Leone Adelson
pictures by Roger Duvoisin
c. 1960
David McKay Company
The Tall Grass Zoo
by Winifred and
Cecil Lubell
c. 1960
Rand McNally & Co.
1965 1st Cadmus Edition
by E. M. Hale and Co.
The Best Day for
Every Little Girl
Story by Kathryn Murray
Drawings by Allianora Rosse
c. 1960
Simon and Schuster
First printing

The Sign on
Rosie's Door
Story and Pictures
by Maurice Sendak
c. 1960
the Teeny Turtle
Text by Doris Banet
Illustrations by
Howard E. Lindberg
c. 1960
T. S. Denison & Co., Inc
by Betty John
Illustrated by Bill Barss
c. 1960
Follett Publishing Co.
First edition
Mr. Red Ears
by Phoebe M. Anderson
Illustrated by Reed Champion
c. 1960
United Church Press

I Know a Farm
by Ethel Collier
Ilustrated by
Honore Guilbeau
c. 1960
William R. Scott, Inc. Publisher
Big Puppy
and Little Puppy
by Irma Simonton Black
c. 1960
Holiday House
Xerox Ed. Pub edition
by Nancy Moore
Pictures by Edward Leight
c. 1960
A Picture for
Harold's Room
Story and Pictures
by Crockett Johnson
c. 1960
Harper & Row
I Want to be an
Airplane Hostess
by Carla Greene
by Frances Eckart
c. 1960
Children's Press
Scrappy the Pup
John Ciardi
Illustrations by Jane Miller
J.B. Lippincott Company
Son of Battle
Adapted and Abridged by Olive Price
Illustrated by Mort Kunstler
c. 1960
Grosset & Dunlap
I Want To Be
a Dentist
by Carla Greene
Pictures by Irma Wilde
c. 1960
Children's Press
Friends Come
to the Door
by Phoebe M. Anderson
Illustrated by Robert E. Barry
c. 1960
United Church Press
Big Tracks,
Little Tracks
by Franklyn M. Branley
Illustrated by
Leonard Kessler
c. 1960
Thomas Y. Crowell
First Edition
The Secret
Hiding Place
Written and Illustrated
by Rainey Johnson
c. 1960
The World Publishing Co
The Curious Cow
by Esther C. Meeks
Pictures by Mel Pekarsky
c. 1960
Follett Publishing Co.
Scholastic edition
The Moon
Seems to Change
by Franklyn M. Branley
Illustrated by Helen Borten
c. 1960
Thomas Y. Crowell
a Mouse ...
by Marcia Brown
c 1961
Charles Scribner's Sons
Bear's Visit
by Else Holmelund
Pictures by
Maurice Sendak
c. 1961
Harper & Row Publishers
Fox Went Out On a Chilly Night
An Old Song
Illustrated by
Peter Spier
c. 1961
Doubleday Books for
Young Readers
*Belling the Tiger
by Mary Stolz
Pictures by
Beni Montreso
c. 1961
Harper & Row
Let's Be Enemies
by Janice May Udry
Pictures by Maurice Sendak
c. 1961
Harper & Row
Hailstones and
Halibut Bones
by Mary O'Neill
Illustrated by
Leonard Weisgard
c. 1961
Doubleday & Co.
A Camel
in the Tent
Retold by Katherine Evans
Illustrated by the author
Albert Whitman & Co.
First Edition
Do Baby Bears
Sit in Chairs
by Ethel and Leonard Kesslerc. 1961
Xerox Education Pubications
Gus Was a
Friendly Ghost
by Jane Thayer
by Seymour Fleishman
c. 1961
William Morrow & Co.
Written and Illustrated
by Roger Duvoisin
c. 1961
Alfred A. Knopf
Edition uncertain,
no further dates/
printings listed
Cowboy and
His Friend
by Joan Walsh Anglund
c. 1962
William Morrow & Co.
First Edition
Huge Harold
Written and Illustrated
by Bill Peet
c. 1961
Houghton Mifflin
Herman the Loser
By Russell Hoban
pictures by Lillian Hoban
c. 1961
Harper & Brothers
Apparent First Edition
no further editions/
printings noted
Sara and Hoppity
Find a Cat
by Robert Leigh
Illustrated by
Marion Wilson
Pelham Books
The Rooster,
the Mouse,
and the
Little Red Hen
Illustrated by
Bonnie and Bill Rutherford
and Eulalie
c. 1961
Platt & Munk, Pub.
I Want to be a
Baseball Player
by Carla Greene
Illustrated by
Frances Eckart
c. 1961
Grosset & Dunlap/
Children's Press
and I
by Helen E. Buckley
Pictures by Paul Galdone
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
The Littlest Rabbit
by Robert Kraus
c. 1961
Harper & Row Publishers
Scholastic paperback
Peter Johnson
and His Guitar
by Hans Peterson
Pictures by Iben Clantec. 1961
Webster Publishing Co.
"I Can't"
said the ant
Words and Pictures
by Polly Cameron c. 1961
Coward-McCann, Inc.
The Raccoon and
Mrs. McGinnis
by Nancy Sherman
Illustrated by Edward Sorel
c. 1961
Golden Press
What Do You Do Dear?
by Sesyle Joslin
with pictures by Maurice Sendak
c. 1961
Young Scott Books/Addison Wesley
Kathy and
the Doll Buggy
by Jen Sigsgaard
Adapted from the original
by Kay Ware and
Lucille Sutherland
Pictures by Arne Ungermannc. 1961
Webster Publishing Co.
and the Tiger
by Bernice Frankel
Pictures by
Leonard Weisgard
c. 1961
Franklin Watts, Inc.
Book Club edition
I'm Hiding
by Myra Cohn Livingston
With illustrations by
Erik Blegvad
c. 1961
Harcourt, Brace and Co.
First Edition
The O'Learys
and Friends
Story by Jean Horton Berg
Pictures by Mary Stevens
c. 1961
Follett Publishing
the Miracle Hen
by Nancy Sherman
Illustrated by Edward Sorel
c. 1961
Golden Press
Somebody's Pup
by Myra Berry Brown
Pictures by
Dorothy Marino
c. 1961
Franklin Watts
Twinkle Loon
by Florence Schultz
by Robert E. Barry
c. 1961
United Church Press
Olaf Reads
by Joan Lexau
pictures by Harvey Weiss
c. 1961
Dial Press
(Scholastic paperback ed.)
Every Friday Night
by Norma Simon
Illustrations by
Harvey Weiss
c. 1961
United Synagogue of
What Makes
Day and Night
by Franklyn M. Branley
Pictures by Helen Borten
c. 1961
Thomas Y. Crowell
1962 |


***The Snowy Day
by Ezra Jack Keats
c. 1962
The Viking Press
Apparent First edition
(no further editions/
printings noted)
*Mr. Rabbit and
the Lovely Present
by Charlotte Zolotow
Pictures by Maurice Sendak
c. 1962
Harper & Row Publishers
Apparent First Edition/
No further editions/
printings noted
Under the Trees and Through the Grass
by Alvin Tresselt
Illustrated by
Roger Duvoisin c. 1962
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
The Wonderful
Tree House
by Harold Longman
Ilustrated by Harry Devlin
c. 1962
Parents Magazine Press
by Maurice Sendakc. 1962
Harper & Row
Forest Folk
by Mary & Conrad Buff
c. 1962
The Viking Press
5th printing 1967
The House on East 88th Street
by Bernard Waber
c. 1962
Houghton Mifflin Co.
An Elephant
Is Not a Cat
by Alvin Tresselt
and Wilbur Wheaton
by Tom Vromanc. 1962
Parents Magazine Press
Chicken Soup
With Rice
by Maurice Sendak
c. 1962
Harper and Row Publishers
Lost Kitten
by Lois Lovett
Pictures by Dale Maxey
Random House
First Edition
Henrietta and
the Hat
by Mabel Watts
Illustrated by Jane Miller
c. 1962
Parents Magazine Press
Baby Elephant
and the
Secret Wishes
by Sesyle Joslin
by Leonard Weisgard
c. 1962
Brace & World, Inc.
Policeman Small
by Lois Lenski
(One of three of the Mr. Small
picture books included in
Big Book of Mr. Small.
See also The
Little Farm, 1942
and Cowboy Small, 1949 )
c. 1962
Henry Z, Walck, Inc./
David McKay Co., Inc.
Mrs. Malone
by Eleanor Farjeon
by Edward Ardizzone
c. 1962
Henry Z. Walck
The Story of
Henny Penny
Illustrated by
Tom and Bonnie Holmes
c. 1962
Samuel Lowe Co.
Lucky and
the Giant
by Benjamin Elkin
by Brinton Turkle
c. 1962
Children's Press
Written ad Illustrated
by Bill Peet
Houghton Mifflin Co.
The Wish Workers
Written and Illustrated
by Alikic. 1962
The Dial Press
Dr. Seuss's
Sleep Book
c. 1962
Random House
What Makes a Shadow?
by Clyde Robert Bulla
by Adrienne Adams
c. 1962
Thomas Y. Crowell Co.
How Big
Is a Foot
by Rolf Myller
c. 1962
First edition
by Rhoda Levine
by Everett Aison
c. 1962
Kingcup Cottage
Written and Illustrated
by Racey Helps
c. 1962
The Medici Society
Tug-of-War with
Big Brown Horse
by Dorothy W. Baruch with
paintings by Sanryo
Charles E. Tuttle Co.
2nd printing, 1963
The Best-Loved
by Rebecca Caudill
Pictures By Elliot Gilbert
c. 1962
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
1963 |



***Where the
Wild Things Are
Story and Pictures
by Maurice Sendak
c. 1963
Harper & Row Publishers
*All in the Morning Early
by Sorche Nic Leodhas
Illustrated by Evaline Ness
c. 1963
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
First Paperback edition
by Leo Lionni
c. 1963
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
Written and Illustrated
by John Burningham
c. 1963
Random House
Apparent First Edition
(No further edition/
printing dates)
First book by this
Winner of
Kate Greenaway Medal
Fly Away Peter
by Frank Dickens
Illustrated by
Ralph Steadman
c. 1963
Scroll Press, Inc.
First U.S. printing


Burt Dow
Deep-Water Man
by Robert McCloskey
c. 1963
Viking Penguin, Inc.
Sarah's Room
By Doris Orgel
with pictures
by Maurice Sendak
c. 1963
Harper Collins
The Baron's Booty
Written and Illustrated
by Virginia Kahl
c. 1963
Charles Scribner's Sons
Tortoise and Turtle Abroad
A Story by Evelyn Gendel
Drawings by Hilary Knight
c. 1963
Simon & Schuster
First Printing
9 Magic Wishes
by Shirley Jackson
Illustrated by
Lorraine Fox c. 1963
The Crowell-Collier Press
The Runaway Angel
Story and Pictures
by Rosalind Welcher
c. 1963
Doubleday & Company, Inc.
First Edition
The Story of
Johnny Appleseed
Written and Illustrated
by Aliki
c. 1963
Simon and Schuster
A Very, Very
Special Day
by Frances Ullman DeAemand
Illustrated by
Tom Vroman c.
Parents Magazine Press
Gilberto and
the Wind
by Marie Hall Ets
c. 1963
The Viking Press
Amelia Bedelia
by Peggy Parish
Pictures by Fritz Siebel
c. 1963
Harper & Row
What Time is it
by Francoise
Charles Scribner's Sons
First Edition
The Story of the
Three Little Pigs
Illustrated by
Tom and Bonnie Holmes
c. 1963
Samuel Lowe Co.
The Story of the
Gingerbread Man
Illustrated by
Tom and Bonnie Holmes
c. 1963
Samuel Lowe Co.
The Story of
Jack and the
Bean Stalk
Illustrated by
Tom and Bonnie Holmes
c. 1963
Samuel Lowe Co.
Mr. Blue
by Margaret Embry
Pictures by Brinton Turklec. 1963
Holiday House
(Scholastic edition)
A Tiger
Called Thomas
by Charlotte Zolotow
pictures by Kurt Werth
c. 1963
Lothrop Lee & Shepard
Apparent first edition
That's Good,
That's Bad
by Joan M. Lexau
Illustrated by Aliki
c. 1963
The Dial Press
Who Took the
Farmers Hat?
Story by Joan L. Nodset
Pictures by Fritz Siebel
c. 1963
Harper & Row
Little People
of the Night
Story and Pictures
by Laura Bannon
c. 1963
Houghton Mifflin
The Baby
Beebee Bird
Story and Pictures by
Diane Redfield Massie
c. 1963
Harper & Row
by Byrd Baylor Schweitzer Illustrated
by Garth Williams
c. 1963
The Macmillan Company
Prince Bertram
the Bad
Story and Pictures
by Arnold Lobel
c. 1963
Harper and Row Publishers
First Edition
Zany Zoo
Story and Pictures
by Norman Bridwell
c. 1963
The Mellops
Go Spelunking
by Tomi Ungerer
c. 1963
Harper & Row
Mr. Willowby's
Christmas Tree
by Robert Barry
c. 1963
McGraw-Hill Co.
Hoppy Long Legs
by Katherine J. Carter
Illustrated by Elizabeth Rice
The Steck Company
First Edition
The Bigger Giant
by Nancy Green
Pictures by Betty Fraser
c. 1963
Follett Publishing
Eggs of Things
by Maxine W. Kumin
and Anne Sexton
Pictures by
Leonard Shortfall
c. 1963
G. P. Putnam's Sons

Miffy at the Zoo
by Dick Brunac.
1963 (illus., first published
by A.W. Bruna and Zoon, the Netherlands)
c1970 (text by Follett Pub.)
Little Raccoon and
the Thing in the Pool
by Lillian Moore
Pictures by
Gioia Fiammenghic. 1963
McGraw-Hill Inc.Holiday House
(Scholastic edition)
the Big Red Dog
by Norman Bridwell c. 1963
The Lion and
the Rat
A Fable by La Fontaine
by Brian Wildsmith
c. 1963
Oxford University Press
First America
publication 1963
by Franklin Watts, Inc.
and the Robbers
by Robert Bright c.
Doubleday & Co., Inc.

Willie is My Brother
by Peggy Parish
drawings by Shirley Hughesc. 1963
William R. Scott, Inc.
My Little Book of Dolls
by Margaret Fishback
Illustrated by Betty Fraser
c. 1963
Rutledge Books
My Little Book of Rhymes
by Margaret Fishback
Illustrated by Betty Fraser
c. 1963
Rutledge Books
My Little Book of Games
by Margaret Fishback
Illustrated by Betty Fraser
c. 1963
Rutledge Books

***May I Bring
a Friend?
by Beatrice Schenk De Regniers
by Beni Montresor c. 1964
*Rain Makes
by Julian Scheer
& Marvin Bileck
c. 1964
Holiday House
First Edition
* A Pocketful of Cricket
by Rebecca Caudill
Illustrated by Evaline Ness
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
First Edition
Miss Suzy
by Miriam Young
Pictures by Arnold Lobel
c. 1964
Parents Magazine Press
Randy's Dandy Lions
Written and Illustrated
by Bill Peet
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Fifth Printing
Where's Wallace?
Story and Panoramas
by Hilary Knight
c. 1964
Harper & Row
Whistle For Willie
by Ezra Jack Keats
c. 1964
Viking Press
The So-So Cat
by Edith Thatcher Hurd
Pictures by Clement Hurdc. 1964
Harper and Row
Story and Pictures
by Don Freeman
c. 1964
Penguin Putnam
Bread and Jam
for Frances
by Russell Hoban
Pictures by Lillian Hoban
c. 1964
Harper & Row
by Harold Littledale
Illustrated by Tom Vroman
c. 1964
Parent's Magazine Press
Lost in the
Department Store
Text by Jean E. Laird
Illustrations by
Lawrence M. Spiegel
T.S. Denison & Company, Inc.
Eleventh printing April 1971
Never Tease
a Weasel
by Jean Conder Soule
by Denman Hampson
c. 1964
Parent's Magazine Press
The Fable of
Profitt the Fox
Written and Illustrated
by Bill Sokol
c. 1964
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
First Edition
The Witch of
Story by Mary Calhoun
Pictures by Janet McCaffery
c. 1964
William Morrow & Co.


by Syd Hoff
c. 1964
G. P. Putnam's Sons
13th impression
Giant John
Story and Pictures
by Arnold Lobel
c. 1964
Harper & Row Publishers
Weekly Reader
Book Club Edition
Quiet on Account
of Dinosaur
by Jane Thayer
Pictures by
Seymour Fleishman
c. 1964
William Morrow & Co.
The Little Pigeon
of Trafalgar
by Milton Shulman
Illustrated by Dale Maxey
Random House
First Edition
Before Breakfast
by Maxine W. Kumin
Pictures by
Leonard Weisgard c.
G. P. Putnam's Sons
Sixth Impression
The Witch Who Wasn't
by Jane Yolen
Illustrated by Arnold Roth
c. 1964
Macmillan Publishers
1974 Collier paperback
Blaze and the
Indian Cave
Story and Pictures
by C. W. Anderson
c. 1964
The Macmillan Co.
First Edition
Flat Stanley
by Jeff Brown
Pictures by Tomi Ungerer
c. 1964
Harper & Row
John Burningham's
c. 1964
Jonathan Cape, London
1st American edition,
The Bobbs-Merrill Co.
Open Your Eyes
by Roz Abisch
Illustrated by
Boche Kaplan
c. 1964
Parent's Magazine Press
Everything Has a Shape
and Everything Has a Size
by Bernice Kohn
Illustrated by Aliki
c. 1964
Prentice-Hall, Inc.
The Old Man
On Our Block
by Agnes Snyder
With Illustrations
by Donald Lynch
c. 1964
Holiday House
(Scholastic edition)
Who Wants a
Cheap Rhinoceros
by Shel Silverstein
Simon and Schuster
Big Bad Bear
by Zula Todd
Illustrated by
Pers Crowell
c. 1964
Follett Publishing Co.
Papa Albert
by Lilian Moore
Illustrated by
Gioia Feiammenghi
c. 1964
First Edition
A Baby Sister
for Frances
by Russell Hoban
Pictures by Lillian Hoban
Harper & Row Publishers
1974 paperback edition
Jack and the Beanstalk
Illustrated by Art Seiden
c. 1964
Merrigold Press
The Bee-Man
of Orn
by Frank R. Stockton
Pictures by
Maurice Sendak
c. 1964
Holt, Rinehart
and Winston
The Giving Tree
by Shel Silversteinc. 1964
Harper & Row
Just Like
Abraham Lincoln
by Bernard Waber
c. 1964
Houghton Mifflin
Hi, Daddy,
Here I Am
by Grete Janus Hertz
Illustrated by
Kirsten Jensinius
c. 1964
Lerner Publications
The Untold Adventures
of Santa Claus
by Ogden Nash
Illustrated by Walter Lorraine
c. 1964
Little, Brown & Co.
First Edition
Edith & Mr. Bear
A Lonely Doll Story
by Dare Wright
c. 1964
Houghton Mifflin
The Coming of
the Pilgrims
Told from
Governor Bradford's
Firsthand Account
by E. B. Brooks Smith
and Robert Meredith
Illustrated by
Leonard Everett Fisher
c. 1964
Little, Brown and Co.
First Edition
Robbie and the
Sled Dog Race
by Sara and Fred
c. 1964
Charles Scribner's Sons
for One More
by Sorche Nic Leodhas
by Nonny Hogrogian
c. 1965
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
First Edition
*Just Me
Story and Picture
by Marie Halls Et
c. 1965
The Viking Press
I Love You
Written and Illustrated
by Roger
c. 1965
Alfred A. Knopf
By The Sea
by Gene Zion
Pictures by
Margaret Bloy Graham
c. 1965
Harper & Row Publishers
Obadiah the Bold
by Brinton Turkle
c. 1965
The Viking Press

How Joe the Bear
and Sam the Mouse
Got Together
Story by Beatrice
Schenk de Regniers
Illustrated by
Brinton Turkel
c. 1965
Parent's Magazine Press
Little Oleg
by Margaret & John Cort c. 1965
Brockhampton Press Ltd.,
First U.S. edition
by Carolrhoda Books, Inc.
Andrew Henry's Meadow
Written and Illustrated
by Doris Burns c. 1965
Coward-McCann Inc.
How To
Scare a Lion
by Dorothy Stephenson
Illustrated by
John E. Johnson
c. 1965
Follett Publishing
Weekly Reader
Book Club edition
The Happy Voyage
Story and Pictures
by Judith Gwyn Brown
c. 1965
The Macmillan Co.
First Printing
John Henry
An American Legend
Story and Pictures
by Ezra Jack Keats
c. 1965
Pantheon Books
Springtime in
Noisy Village
by Astrid Lingren
Pictures by Lion Wikland
c. 1965
The Viking Press
2nd Printing, June 1967
The Rich Man
and the Shoemaker
A Fable by La Fontaine
by Brian Wildsmith
c. 1965
Franklin Watts, Inc.
The Rain Puddle
by Adelaide Holl
Pictures by Roger Duvoisin
c. 1965
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
Down the Street
by Sarah Rush
by Howard Kodner
c. 1965
Lerner Publications
2nd printing, 1965
The Tallest Tree
Written and Illustrated
by George Overlie
c. 1965
Lerner Puiblications
Humbug Witch
by Lorna Ballian
c. 1965
Abingdon Press
12th printing 1987
Mike Fink and the
Big Turkey Shoot
by Elizabeth and
Carl Carmer
Illustrations by
Mimi Korach
c. 1965
Garrard Publishing Co.
Part-time Dog
by Jane Thayer
Pictures by Seymour Fleishman
c. 1965
William Morrow & Co.
The Shy Kangaroo
by Charlotte Steinerc. 1965
The Seabury Press
(Young Readers Press edition)
Kermit the Hermit
Written and Illustrated
by Bill Peet
c. 1965
Houghton Mifflin
Story and Pictures
by Laurent deBrunhoff
Translated from the French
by Richard Howard
c. 1965
Pantheon Books
The Ugly Duckling
by Hans Christian Andersen
by Adrienne Adams
c. 1965
Charles Scribner's Sons

Meet the
North American Indians
by Elizabeth Payne
Illustrators by Jack Davisc.
Random House
Clifford Gets a Job
Story and Pictures
by Norman Bridwell
c. 1965
Scholastic Book Services
by Charlotte Zolotow
Pictures by Arnold Lobelc. 1965
Harper & Row
The Valiant
A Folk Tale of India
Retold by Christine Price
c. 1965
Frederick Warne and Co.
I Love Spring
Clara Juh Lewis
by Dick Lewis
c. 1965
Little, Brown and Co.
First edition
The Little Boy
and the Birthdays
by Helen E. Buckley
Illustrated by Paul Galdone
c. 1965
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
Celestino Piatti's
Animal ABC
English Text by Jon Reid
c. 1965
Artyemis Verlag,
First US Edition, 1966, Atheneum
Songs and Silence
Text by Janet Martin
Illustrated by
Philippe Thomas
c. 1965
Platt & Munk
*** Sam, Bangs &
Written and Illustrated
by Evaline Ness
c. 1966
Holt, Rinehart and
First Edition
Martha the
Movie Mouse
Story and Pictures
by Arnold Lobel
c. 1966
Harper & Row Publishers
The Three Billy
Goats Gruff
Illustrated by Dale Maxey
c. 1966
Whitman Publishing Co.
Apparent First edition
Patrick Will Grow
by Gladys Baker Bond
Illustrated by
David K. Stone
c. 1966
Whitman Publishing Co.
Apparent First Edition
The Tale of a
Wild Duck
by Rudo Moric
by Dagmar Cerna
c. 1966
Lerner Publications
The Bird Tree
by Frans van Anrooy
Illustrated by Jaap Tol
c. 1966
Harcourt, Brace
& World, Inc.
First American Edition
A Rainbow of
My Own
by Don Freeman
c. 1966
Viking Press
Clifford Takes
a Trip
Story and pictures
by Norman Bridwell
c. 1966
Book Services
Clifford's Halloween
Story and Pictures
by Norman Bridwell
c. 1966
Four Winds Press/
Scholastic Book Services
Lyle and the
Birthday Party
by Bernard Waber
c. 1966
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Santa Mouse
by Michael Brown
Illustrated by
Elfrieda DeWitt
c. 1966
Grosset & Dunlap
The Merry Wind
by Mircea Vasiliu
c. 1966
The John Day Co.
Mr. Bumba
Rides a Bicycle
by Pearl Augusta Harwood
Pictuires by Joseph Folger
c. 1966
Lenrer Publications
Fifth printing, 1971
Amy Loves Goodbyes
by Selma Gordon
Illustrated by
June Goldsborough
c. 1966
Platt & Munk
This Room is Mine
by Betty Ren Wright
Illustrated by Judy Stangc. 1966
Whitman Publishing
The Little Brute Family
by Russell Hoban
Illustrated by Lillian Hoban
c. 1966
The Macmillan Co.
Third Printing 1967
Gypsy Girl's
Best Shoes
by Anne Rockwell
c. 1966
Parent's Magazine Press
First Edition
The Narrow Escapes of Solomon
by Mabel Watts
Pictures by John E. Johnsonc.
Parents Magazine Press
Charlie the Tramp
by Russell Hoban
Pictures by Lillian Hoban
c. 1966
Scholastic Book Services
McBroom Tells
the Truth
by Sid Fleischman
Illustrated by Kurt Werth
c. 1966
Grosset & Dunlap, Inc.
Mr Tall and
Mr Small
by Barbara Brenner
Illustrations by Tomi Ungerer
c. 1966
Random House
The Troll Music
Story and Pictures
by Anita Lobel
c. 1966
Harper & Row
Curious George
Goes to the Hospital
by Margret & H. A. Rey
c. 1966
Houghton Mifflin
The Great Feast
by Walter Grieder
c. 1966
Verlag Herder KG
Freilburg, Germany
(1968 Parent's Magazine
Press edition)
Mr. Bumba's
Tuesday Club
by Pearl Augusta Harwood
Pictures by Joseph Folger
c. 1966
Lerner Publications Co.
First Edition
You Look Ridiculous
Said the Rhinoceros
to the Hippopotamus
by Bernard Waber
c. 1966
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Georgie and the
by Robert Bright
c. 1966
Doubleday & Co.
Mountain Men
The Trappers of the Great
Fur-Trading Era,
by Don Berry
Illustrated by Glen Dines
c. 1966
The Macmillan Co.
First Printing
Is That a Happy
by Sean Morrison
Illustrated by Aliki
c. 1966
by Leo Lionni
c. 1967
Pantheon Books
and the Kite
by Jane Yolen
Pictures by Ed Young
c. 1967
The World Publishing Co.
Apparent First Edition
One Monday
Text and
by Uri Shulevitz
c. 1967
Charles Scribner's Sons
Will I Have a Friend
Story by Miriam Cohen
Pictures by Lillian Hoban
c. 1967
Simon and Schuster/
Be Nice to Spiders
by Margaret Bloy Graham
c. 1967
Harper & Row Publishers


The Diverting Adventures of
Tom Thumb
A Picture Book by Harry Wilkinson
c. 1967
The Bodley Head Ltd, England
First American Edition,
Harcourt Brace & World
by Alfred Konner
Illustrated by
Irmhild and Helman Proft
c. 1967
Lerner Publications
3rd printing 1971
Peter's Chair
by Ezra Jack Keats
c. 1967
An Anteater
Named Arthur
by Bernard Waber
c. 1967
Houghton Mifflin Co.
The Donkey Ride
A fable adapted
by Jean B. Showalter
by Tomi Ungerer
c. 1967
Doubleday & Co.
First Edition
Little Bear Marches
in the St. Patrick's
Day Parade
by Janice
Pictures by Mariana
c. 1967
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co.
McBroom and the
Big Wind
by Sid Fleischman
Illustrated by Kurt Werth
c. 1967
Grosset & Dunlap
A Gift-Bear
for the King
by Carl Memling
by Lillian Hoban
c. 1967
E. P. Dutton & Co.
The Sheep of the
Lal Bagh
by David Mark
Pictures by Lionel Kalish
c. 1967
Parent's Magazine Press
by Barbara Borack
Pictures by Ben Shecter
c. 1967
Harper & Row
All Kinds
of Babies
by Millicent E. Selsam
Pictures by
Symeon Shimin
text c. 1953, 1967
illustrations c. 1967
Scholastic Book Services
Nobody Looks at
by Florence Kramon
Illustrated by
Charles Bracke
c. 1967
Follett Publishing Co,
First Printing
Potatoes Potatoes
by Anita Lobel
c. 1967
Harper & Row, Publishers
Apparent First Edition
When Will I
by Mary McBurney Green
Pictures byHarold Berson
c. 1967
Franklin Watts
First Edition
From King
Boggen's Hall to
A Collection of Improbable Houses and Unusual
Places Found in Traditional
Rhymes and Limericks
Illustrations by Blair Lent
c. 1967
Little, Brown and Co.
2nd Printing
Finds a Friend
Story and Pictures
by Edna Miller
c. 1967
Prentice-Hall, Inc.
The Runaway
by Adedaide Holl
Illustrated by
Mamoru Funai
c. 1967
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co.
What's Good For a Four-Year-Old
by William Cole
Illustrated by
Tomi Ungerer
c. 1967
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
First Edition
The Gunniwolf
Retold by
Wilhelmina Harper
Illustrated by
William Wiesner
c. 1967
E. P. Dutton
The Story of
by Ernstine Cobern Beyer
Illustrated by Don Madden
c. 1967
Follett Publishing Co.
First Printing


A Good Knight
for Dragons
by Roger Bradfield
c. 1967
A Young Scott Book
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.
Mr. Faksimily
and the Tiger
by Anita Hewett
Illustrated by
Robert Broomfield
c. 1967
Follett Publishing Co.
First Printing
Eric and the Little Canal Boat
by Lillian Bason
Illustrated by
Anne Rockwell
c. 1967
Parents Magazine Press
Too Much
by Ann McGovern
Illustrated by
Simms Taback
c. 1967
Houghton Mifflin Co.
The Cat Who Wore
a Pot on Her Head
(Orig. Title Bendemolena)
by Jan Slepian and
Ann Seidler)
Illustrated by
Richard E. Martin
c. 1967
Follett Publishing Co.
Buford the Little Bighorn
Written and Illustrated
by Bill Peet
c. 1967
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Rabbit and Skunk
and Spooks
by Carla Stevens
Pictures by Robert Kraus
c. 1967
Sleep, Baby, Sleep
An old cradle song
Illustrated by
Trudi Oberhansli
c. 1967
Let's Walk
Up the Wall
by Ryerson Johnson
Pictures by Eva Cellini
c. 1967
Holiday House
Fuzzie and the
Drummer Boy
Written and Illustrated
by Joan and Frank Darling
c. 1967
E. M. Hale and Co.

by the Brothers Grimm
Pictures by Jacqueline Ayer
c. 1967
Harcourt, Brace and World
The Hungry Thing
by Jan Slepia and Ann Seidler
Pictures by Richard E. Martin
c. 1967
Follett Publishing Co.
Benjamin Budge
and Barnaby Ball
by Florence Parry Heide
Pictures by Sally Matthewsc. 1967
Scholastic Book Services
Have You Seen Trees?
by Joanne Oppenheim
Pictures by
Irwin Rosenhousec. 1967
Young Scott Books
A Boy, A Dog,
and A Frog
by Mercer Mayer
c. 1967
The Dial Press, Inc.
The Lollipop Party
Story by Ruth A. Sonneborn
Pictures by Brinton Turkle
c. 1967
The Viking Press
The False Flamingoes
Written by Mischa Damjan
Illustrated by
Ralph Steadman
c. 1967
Nord-Sud Verlag, Switzerland
English Translation c. 1968
(Scroll Press Edition, 1970)
The Story of
Zachary Zween
by Mabel Watts
Illustrated by
Marylin Hafner
c. 1967
Parents Magazine Press
It's the
Great Pumpkin,
Charlie Brown
by Charles M. Schulz
c. 1967
World Publishing Co.
First Edition
The Cookie Tree
by Jay Williams
Illustrated by
Blake Hampton
c. 1967
Parent's Magazine Press
The Crow Who
Came To Stay
Written and Illustrated
by Judy Varga
c. 1967
William Morrow and Co.
Are To Love
by Lois Wyse
Pictures by
Martha Alexander
c. 1967
Parent's Magazine Press
The Wedding
Procession of the
Rag Doll and the
Broom Handle and
Who Was In It
by Carl Sandburg
Pictures by Harriet Pincus
c. 1967
Harcourt, Brace
& World, Inc.
First Edition
The Crows of
by Aldous Huxley
by Barbara Cooney
c. 1967
Random House
***The Fool of
the World and
the Flying Ship
Retold by Arthur Ransome
Pictures by Uri Shulevitz
c. 1968
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
*Why the Sun
and the Moon
Live in the Sky
by Elphinstone Dayrell
Illustrations by Blair Lent
c. 1968
Houghton Mifflin
the Minstrel Pig
by William Steigc. 1968
Windmill Books/E. P. Dutton
The Horse,
the Fox,
and the Lion
adapted from The Fox
and the Horse by
the Brothers Grimm
by Paul Galdone
c. 1968
The Seabury Press
Apparent 1st edition
Just Only John
by Jack Kent
c. 1968
Parents' Magazine Press
Apparent 1st edition


Story and Pictures
by Don Freeman
c. 1968
The Viking Press
Can I Help
by Carol Woodard
Illustrated by
June Goldsborough
c. 1968
Lutheran Church Press
Rosie's Walk
by Pat Hutchins
c. 1968
Macmillan Co.
Collier paperback ed. 1971
Hush Little Baby
A Folk Lullaby
Illustrated by Aliki
c. 1968
Paperback edition
The Emperor's
New Clothes
Retold for Young Readers Press
Illustrations by Abe Gurvin
c. 1968
Young Readers Press


The Fox and
the Tomten
by Astrid Lindgren
c. 1968
Kestrel Books
The Hungry Car
(formerly Rosie's Josie)
by Richard and
Irene Willis
c. 1968
Children's Press
Peter Rabbit
at the Circus
by Dolli Tinglec. 1968
Samuel Lowe Co.
The Great Blueness and other Predicaments
Story and Pictures
by Arnold Lobel
c. 1968
Harper & Row
The Summerfolk
Written and Illustrated
by Doris Burn
c. 1968
Coward-McCann. Inc.
A Letter To Amy
by Ezra Jack Keats
c. 1968
Harper & Row
A Song to Sing, O!
From The Yeoman of the Guard
by W. S. Gilbert
and Arthur Sullivan
Set to Pictures by
Rosemary Wells
c. 1967
World Publishing Co.
First Edition
A Birthday
For Frances
by Russell Hoban
Pictures by
Lillian Hoban
c. 1968
Harper & Row Pub., Inc.
That's What
Friends Are For
by Florence Parry Heide and Sylvia Worth Van
c. 1968
Brinton Turkle
Eighteen Cousins
by Carol G. Hogan
Illustrated by
Beverly Komoda
c. 1968
Parents Magazine Press
The Little Old Man
Who Could Not Read
by Irma Simonton Black
Pictures by
Seymour Fleishman
c. 1968
Albert Whitman & Co.
If I Owned a
Candy Factory
by James Walker Stevenson
Pictures by James Stevenson
c. 1968
Ask the Windy City
by Charlotte Pomerantz
With Illustrations by Nancy Grossman & Anita Siegel
c. 1968
Young Scott Books
Apron On
Apron Off
By Helen Kay
Pictures by Yaroslava
c. 1968 Scholastic
Sunday Morning
A Story by Judith Viorst
Drawings by Hilary Knight
c. 1968
First Aladdin
paperback edition
The Little
Drummer Boy
by Ezra Jack Keats
Words and Music
by Katherine Davis, Henry
Onorati and Henry Simeone
c. 1968
Collier Books
for Breakfast
by Miriam Young
Pictures by Beverly Komoda
c. 1968
Parents Magazine Press/
Random House edition
The Legend of the
Willow Plate
by Alvin Tresselt and
Nancy Cleaver
With pictures by Joseph Low
c. 1968
Parents' Magazine Press
The King With
Six Friends
by Jay Williams
Illustrated by Imero Gobbato
c. 1968
Parent's Magazine Press
A Good
Morning's Work
by Nathan Zimelman
Illustrated by Carol Rogers
c. 1968
Steck-Vaughn Company
Wooden Farmer
by Alice Dalgliesh
Pictures by Anita Lobel
1968 (illustrations)
(text c. 1930, renewed 1958)
The Macmillan Co.
First Printing
Shoemaker Fooze
Written by
Donna Lugg Pape
Illustrated by
Lola Edick Frank
c. 1968
Oddo Publishing
Catch a Little Fox
By Beatrice Schenk De Regniers
Pictures by Brinton Turkle
c. 1968
The Seabury Press/Clarion
Third printing
The Tower
of Babel
by William Wiesner
c. 1968
The Viking Press
2nd Printing, Mar. 1969
The Last Two Elves
in Denmark
Story by Mary Calhoun
Pictures by Janet McCaffery
c. 1968
William Morrow & Company
The Little Pig
in the Cupboard
by Helen E. Buckley
Drawings by Rob Howard
c. 1968
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
Two Hundred
by Lonzo Anderson and
Adriane Adams
c.. 1968
The Viking Press
Apparent First Edition
The Witch, the Cat
and the Baseball Bat
by Syd Hoff
c. 1968
Grosset & Dunlap, Inc.
There's a Nightmare
in My Closet
Written and Illustrated
by Mercer Meyer
c. 1968
The Dial Press
The Cat and the Fiddler
by Jacky Jeter
Pictures by Lionel Kalish
c. 1968
Parent's Magazine Press
That Noodle-head Epaminondas
Retold by Eve Merriam
Pictures by
Trina Schart Hyman
c. 1968
Houghtn Mifflin/
Follett Publishing Co.
The Steadfast Tin Soldier
A Story by Andersen
c. 1968
by Ed. G. Malipiero
A Happiness Story Book
The Stolen Necklace
A Picture Story from India
by Anne Rockwell
c. 1968
The World Publishing Co
2nd printing, 1970
What Is a
Whispery Secret
by Lois Hobart
Pictures by Martha Alexander
c. 1968
Parent's Magazine Press
The Biggest House
Written by Ruth Jaynes
Illustrated Jacques Rupp
c. 1968
Bowmar Publishing
Billy and Milly
by Miriam Young
Illustrated by
Robert Quackenbush
c. 1968
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
First Edition
Tim Mouse
Visits the Farm
Written and Illustrated
by Judy Brook
c. 1968
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
The Wisest Man
in the World
A Legend of Ancient Israel
by Benjamin Elkin
Pictures by Anita Lobel
c. 1968
Parent's Magazine Press
A Sunflower As Big
As the Sun
by Shan Ellentuck
c. 1968
Doubleday & Company, Inc.
The Sunlit Sea
by Augusta Goldin
Illustrated by Paul Galdone
c. 1968
Thomas Y Crowell Co.
Tiger Tales
by Lila Majumdar
Illustrated by Pulak Biswas
c. 1968
Children's Book Trust
Third Printing
Six Foolish
by Benjamin Elwin
Pictures by Bernice Myers
c. 1968
Children's Press
(Scholastic edition)
Green Says Go
by Ed Emberley
c. 1968
Little, Brown and Co.
Third Printing
Tikki Tikki
Retold by Arlene Mosel
Illustrated by Blair Lent
c. 1968
Holt Rinehart and Winston
Stone Soup
by Ann McGovern
Pictures by Nola Langner
c. 1968
More of Brer
Rabbit's Tricks
by Ennis Rees
by Edward Gorey
c. 1968
Young Scott Books
Goes to Sea
by Leon Harris
by Joseph Schindelmanc. 1968
W/ W. Norton & Co
First Edition
Pablo Picasso
Art for Children
by Ernest Raboff
c. 1968
Doubleday & Co., Inc.
First Printing
The Forgotten Bear
by Molly Brett
c. 1968
The Medici Society

***Sylvester and the Magic Pebble
by William Steig
c. 1969
Simon and Schustewr
by Ezra Jack Keats
c. 1969
Collier paperback
*Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse
by Leo Lionni
c. 1969
Alfred A. Knopf/
Scholastic paperback
Written and Illustrated
by Brinton Turkle
c. 1969
The Viking Press
Apparent First Edition
*The Judge
An untrue tale
by Harve Zemach
With pictures by
Margot Zemach
c. 1969
Farrar, Straus & Giroux


Joey's Cat
by Robert Burch
Illustrated by Don Freeman
The Viking Press
Apparent First Edition
How Fletcher
Was Hatched
by Wende and Harry Devlin
c. 1969
Parents' Magazine Press
The Story of a Singular Hen and Her Peculiar
by Mary Stolz
Pictures by Edward Frascino
c. 1969
Harper & Row
The Monkey and
the Crocodile
by Paul Galdone
c. 1969
The Seabury Press
My Visit to the Dinosaurs
by Aliki
c. 1969
Thomas Y. Crowell Co.
See My
Visit To the Dinosaurs, 1985, with updated illustrations
by the same illustrator
The Bad Island
by William Steig
c. 1969
Windmill Books/
Simon and Schuster
Moon Mouse
A Story by Adelaide Holl
Pictures by
Cyndy Szekeres
c. 1969
Random House
Tilly Witch
by Don Freeman
c. 1969
Puffin Books
Come Along
by Rebecca Caudill
Illustrated by
Ellen Raskin
c. 1969
Holt, Rinehart
and Winston
McBroom's Ear
by Sid Fleischman
Illustrated by
Kurt Werth
c. 1969
Grosset & Dunlap. Inc.



and the Elephant
Barbara K. Walker
and Naki Tezel
Illustrated by Emily A. McCully
c. 1969
Parent's Magazine Press
Apparent First Edition
Kiya the Gull
Written and Illustrated
by Fen H. Lasell
c. 1969
Apricot ABC
by Miska Miles
Illustrated by
Peter Parnall
c. 1969
Little, Brown and Co.
The Witch's
Magic Cloth
by Miyoko Matsutani
Illustrated by
Yasuo Segawa
c. 1969
Parents' Magazine press
Soup for the King
A fable by Leonard Kessler
c. 1969
Grosset & Dunlap

How, Hippo!
by Marcia Brown
c. 1969
Charles Scribner's Sons
The Bright and
Shining Breadboard
by Rosalys Hall
Illustrated by Kurt Werth
c. 1969
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
First Edition
The Peacock
the Crow
Written and Illustrated
by Ann Kirn
c. 1969
Four Winds Press
The Kitchen-
Window Squirrel
by Harold Longman
Pictures by Nola Langner
c. 1969
Parents' Magazine Press
Apparent First edition
Lovable Lyle
by Bernard Waber
c. 1969
Houghton Mifflin

A Beastly Circus
by Peggy Parish
c. 1969
Simon & Schuster
First Printing
Rain Rain Rivers
Words and Pictures
by Uri Shulevitz
c. 1969
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
by Eric Carle
c. 1969
The World Publishing Co.
by Jack Kent
c. 1969
Random House
1978 paperback
The Noisiest and Strongest Boy in
Grangers Grove
by Robert Bright
c. 1969
Doubleday & Co., Inc.
We're Off To
Catch a Dragon
by Ester Hauser Laurence
Illustrated by
Cornelia Brown
c. 1969
Abingdon Press
Why the Jackal
Won't Speak
to the Hedgehog
A Tunisian Folktale
Retold and Illustrated
by Harold Berson
c. 1969
The Seabury Press
One Kitten For Kim
by Adelaide Holl
Illustrated by
Don Madden
c. 1969
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.
There Was a
Wise Crow
Words and Pictures
by Joseph Crow
c. 1969
Follett Publishing Co.
Silly Sam
by Leonore Klein
Pictures by Harvey Weiss
c. 1969
Scholastic Book Services
Harvey's Hideout
by Russell Hoban
Pictures by Lillian Hoban
c. 1969
Parents Magazine Press/Scholastic
No Room
For the Baker
by Kathe Recheis
Illustrated by
Tibor Gergely
c. 1969
Four Winds Press
The Temper
Tantrum Book
by Edna Mitchell Preston
Pictures by Rainey Bennett
c. 1969
Viking Press
Best Friends
For Frances
by Russell Hoban
Pictures by Lillian Hoban
c. 1969
Harper & Row
The Sky Dog
by Brinton Turkle
c. 1969
Viking Press/Scholstic
The Witch and the Flying
Written and Illustrated
by James Stevenson
c. 1969
Little, Brown and Co.
The Elephant and
the Bad Baby
Story by Elfrida Vipont
by Raymond Briggs
c. 1969
Coward-McCann, Inc
Junk Day On
Juniper Street
and Other
Easy-to-Read Stories
by Lillian Moore
Pictures by Arnold Lobelc. 1969
Parent's Magazine Press
Mrs. Poggi's Holiday
Written and Illustrated
by Saul Lambert
c. 1969
Random House
Lisa Cannot Sleep
by Kaj Beckman
Pictures by Per Beckman
c. 1969
Franklin Watts
The Cat at Night
by Dahlov Ipcar
c. 1969
McIntosh & Otis
Retold by Letta Schatz
Illustrated by Sylvie Seligc.
Follett Publishing Co.
First Printing A
Just a Minute
A Book About Time
by Leonore Klein
Illustrated by
Leonard Kessler
c. 1968
Young Readers Press
School for Sillies
by Jay Williams
Pictures by Friso Henstrac.
Parents' Magazine Press.
First Edition
The Man Who
Had No Dream
Idea and Pictures
by Kjell Ringi
Written by Adelaide Holl
c. 1969
Random House

The Chicken
and the Egg
by Iela and Enzo Mari
c. 1969
Pantheon Books
What Makes
a Bird a Bird?
by May Garelick
Ilustrated by
c. 1969
Follett Publishing
We Were Tired of Living in a House
by Liesel Moak Skorpen
Pictures by Doris Burnc.
Coward-McCann, Inc.
Clifford's Tricks
Story and Pictures
by Norman Bridwellc. 1969
Scholastic Book Services
I Am a Hunter
Story and Pictures
by Mercer Mayer
c. 1969
The Dial Press

Potato Talk
by Ennis Rees
Pictures by Stanley Mackc. 1969
Pantheon Books/Random House
Pinwheel Paperback editin
The Haunted Spy
Written and Illustrated
by Barbara Ninde Byfield
c. 1969
Doubleday & Co.
Bear Weather
by Lillie D. Chaffin
Pictures by Helga Aichingerc.
The Macmillan Co.
What Do They Do
When It Rains?
by Norman Bridwell
c. 1969
Scholastic Book Services
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