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Books from the 1940s
(Sorted by copyright date of Illustrations. Click on image to see
sample pages)
Caldecott Honor
1940 |
*April's Kittens
by Claire Turlay Newberry
c. 1940
Harper & Brother
by Robert McCloskey
First Book by this
Two-time Caldecott
Winner and legendary
The Viking Press
Book Club Edition
Country Noisy Book
by Margaret Wise Brown
by Leonard Weisgard
c. 1940
Harper & Row
Edition uncertain,
no further dates/
printings listed
Silver dollar
by Elizabeth B. Squires
Illustrated by
Margot Austin
c. 1940
The Platt & Munk Co., Inc.
The Thirsty Pony
Story and Pictures
by Paul Laune
Grosset & Dunlap
First Edition
Caps for Sale
A Tale of a Peddler,
Some Monkeys,
and their Monkey Business
Story and Pictures
by Esphyr Slobodkina
c. 1940
Addison-Wesley Publishing
(1973 Scholastic paperback)
Diving Ducks
by Margaret Friskey
Pictures by Jean Morey
c. 1940
David McKay Company
Horton Hatches
the Egg
by Dr Seuss
c. 1940
Random House
Mother Goose
Illustrated by Tenggren
c, 1940
Little Brown & Co
First Edition

The Tale of Tombo
by Ada Harrison
Pictures by Robert Austin
One of the "Tally-Ho"
books for children c. 1940
J. Fairston
Peter and the Wolf
by Serge Profieff
Illustrated by Warren Chappell
c. 1940
Alfred A. Knopf
Nursery Tales
168 Colored Illustrations
c. 1940
Illustrator and
Publisher unknown
12 pages,
total of 14 stories.
Brownie and
His Friends
by Gates and Karabin
c. 1940
The Macmillan Company
1959 printing
Make Way for Ducklings
by Robert McCloskey
First Caldecott Winner
by the author/Illustrator
**January1, 2003**
Proclaimed the Official Massachusetts State Book
c. 1941
The Viking Press
1972 paperback edition
In My Mother's House
by Ann Nolan Clark
by Velino Herrera
c. 1941
The Viking Press
Ninth Printing
March 1960
*Paddle to the Sea
Written and Illustrated
by Holling Clancy Holling
Houghton Mifflin Co.
First Edition
Nothing At All
by Wanda Gag
Coward, McCann&
Geoghegan, Inc.
Seventeenth Impression
Further Links about Author:
Wanda Gag House
Curious George
by H.A. Rey
c. 1941
Houghton Mifflin Co.
1971 Scholastic
paperback edition
Farm Friends
by Diana Thorne
c. 1941
Whitman Publishing
Bedtime Stories
by Variable Authors
No Illustrator notedc. 1941
The Saafield Publishing Co.
Stories of the
Three Little Kittens
No illustrator noted
c. 1941
Samuel Lowe Company
Alphabet Book
c. 1941
Samuel Lowe Company
Mother Goose
The Complete Book of
Nursery Rhymes
Illustrated by Dorothea J. Snow
c. 1941
Whitman Publishing
First Edition
Down by the Sea
by Mary Coplan, Chrystie
Stokes, and Lillian Moore
c. 1941
Lyons and Carhahan
First Edition
Little Chicken
by Margaret Wise Brown
Pictures by
Leonard Weisgard
c. 1941
Harper & Row
Walt Disney's
Bambic. 1941
Grosset & Dunlap
Story and Pictures
by Wesley Dennis
Viking Press
1977 Puffin
paperback edition
1942 |
***The Little House
Story and Pictures
by Virginia Lee
c. 1942
Houghton Mifflin Co.
The Runaway
by Margaret Wise Brown
Pictures by Clement Hurd
c. 1942
Harper & Row
Geraldine Belinda
by Marguerite Henry
Illustrations by
Gladys Rourke Blackwoodc. 1942
The Platt & Munk Co.
The Indoor
Noisy Book
by Margaret Wise Brown
by Leonard Wisegard
c. 1942
Harper & Row
Cecily G. and the
9 Monkeys
by H. A. Rey
c. 1942
Houghton Mifflin Co.
renewed 1969
Crybaby Calf
by Helen & Alf Evers
c. 1942
Rand McNally
The Little Farm
by Lois Lenski
(One of three of the Mr. Small
picture books included in
Big Book of Mr. Small.
See also: Cowboy Small, 1949
and Policeman Small, 1962 )
c. 1942
Henry Z, Walck, Inc./
David McKay Co., Inc.
The Little Red
Lighthouse and the
Great Gray Bridge
by Hildegarde H. Swift
and Lynd Ward
c. 1942
Harcourt, Brace &
The Man Who
His Head
Story by
Claire Huchet Bishop
Pictures by Robert McCloskey
c. 1942
The Viking Press
The Elephant's Child
by Rudyard Kipling
Illustrated by F. Rojankovsky
c. 1942
Garden City Publishing Co.
One of the "Just So Stories" Series
Junior Literary Guild Award
Sleepy Time Stories
Illustrated by Hilda Frommholz
Story Illustrations
c. 1942, 1943, 1944
Book c. 1945 Whitman Publishing
A Child's Garden
of Verses
by Robert Louis Stevenson
Illustrated by GeorgeTrimmer
c. 1942
Merrill Publishing CO.
First paperback edition
Tree in the Trail
Written and Illustrated
by Holling Clancy Holling
Houghton Mifflin Co.
First Edition
*** Many
by James Thurber
by Louis Slobodkin
c.1943 by James Thurber
c. 1971 by Helen Thurber
Harcourt, Brace, &
*Small Rain
Verses From the Bible
Chosen by
Jessie Orton Jones
Illustrated by
Elizabeth Orton Jones
c. 1943
Viking Press
4th printing
September 1944
The Peddler's Clock
by Mabel Leigh Hunt
Pictures by Elizabeth Orton Jones
c. 1943
Grosset and Dunlap
(A Story Parade
Picture Book, c. 1936)
Katy and the
Big Snow
Story and Pictures
by Virgina Lee Burton
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Edition uncertain,
no further dates/
printings listed
Come Play With
Corally Crothers
by Romney Gay
c. 1943
Grosset & Dunlap
Mother Goose
No stated Illustratorc. 1943
Saalfield Publisher
Bow Wow and
Mew Mew
No stated author/ illustratorc. 1943
The Platt & Munk Co., Inc.
Animal Pictures
and Rhymes
no illustrator stated
c. 1943
Merrill Publishing Co.
"Beautiful Books for Children"
Animal Pets
No stated author/illustrator
c. 1943
The Platt & Munk Co., Inc.
In Animal Town
No stated author/ illustrator
c. 1943
The Platt & Munk Co., Inc.
Feathered Friends
No stated author/illustrator
c. 1943
The Platt & Munk Co., Inc.
Things That Go
No stated author/illustrator
c. 1943
The Platt & Munk Co., Inc.
The Toy Shop
Illustrations by
A. F. Lancaster
c. 1943
McLoughlin Brothers, Inc.
Tell Me About Jesus
by Mary Alice Jones
Illustrated by Pelagie Doane
c. 1943
Rand McNally & Co.
Everyday Birds
by Gertrude Allen
c. 1943
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Three Gay Tales
from Grimm
Translated and
Illustrated by
Wanda Gag
c. 1943
1944 |
***Prayer for a Child
by Rachel Field
Pictures by
Elizabeth Orton Jones
c. 1944
*Yonie Wondernose
by Marguerite DeAngeli
c. 1944
*In the Forest
Story and Pictures
by Marie Hall Ets
c. 1944
Viking Press
Little Red
Riding Hood
Animated by Julian Wehrc. 1944
Duenewald Prnting Corp.
The Horse Who
Lived Upstairs
by Phyllis McGinley
Illustrated by Helen Stone
c. 1944
J. B. Lippincott Co.
Hansel and Gretel
Animated by Julian Wehrc. 1944
Duenewald Prnting Corp./
Grosset and Dunlap
Story by Emmy Payne
Pictures by H. A. Rey
Houghton Mifflin
The Great Quillow
by James Thurber
Illustrated by Doris Lee
c. 1944
Harcourt Brace
1975 paperback edition
in Rhyme and Song
Words and Music
by Gladys Shelley
c. 1944
Musicomics Publishers, Inc.
Fuzzy Wuzzy
by Pat Sanchez
c. 1944
Whitman Publishing Co.
1st edition, paperback
by Margret Rey
With Pictures
by H. A. Rey
c. 1944
Harper & Row, Pub.
1970 Scholastic
paperback edition
Magic Michael
by Louis Slobodkin
Publishing Co., Inc.
1973 paperback edition
Mother Goose
by Francis Kirn
c. 1944
Whitman Publishing
1945 |
*The Rooster
A Book of American Rhymes
and Jingles
By Maud and Miska Petersham
c. 1945
Macmillan Publishing
The Carrot Seed
Story by Ruth Krauss
Pictures by
Crockett Johnson
c. 1945
Harper & Row
Fuzzy Wuzzy
by Louise Rowe
Whitman Publishing Co.
1st edition, paperback
by Fritz Willis
c. 1945
The Mistletoe Press
The Marcel Rodd Co.
First edition
Chimpsey at Play
Text by Ruth A. Roche
Illustrated by Dic Loscalzo
c. 1945
Action Play Books/
Domeday Press, Inc.

The Golden Songbook
Arranged by
Katharine Tyler Wessells
Illustrated by Gertrude Elliotc. 1944
Simon and Schuster
First Printing
Interesting Birds
of Our Country
by S. Kip Farrington, Jr.
by Lynn Bogue Hunt
c. 1945
Garden City Publishing Co.
First Edition
me too
by Fritz Willis
The Mistletoe Press
The Marcel Rodd Co.
First edition
by Margaret Friske
and Katherine Evans
Wilcox &Follett, Co.
Edition Uncertain
no further edition/
printings noted
The Little Island
by Golden MacDonald
(pen name of Margaret
Wise Brown)
With illustrations
by Leonard Weisgard
Doubleday & Co. Inc.
1971 Paperback
Rain Drop Splash
Story by Alvin Tresselt
Pictures by
Leonard Weisgard
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co.
23rd printing
*Timothy Turtle
by Al Graham
Pictured by Tony Palazzo
c. 1946
The Viking Press
Corky's Pet Parade
Written and Illustrated
by Maggi Fiedler
c. 1946
Pied Piper Books, Inc.
Chicken Little
Count to Ten
By Margaret Frisky
Pictures by Katherine Evans
Children's Press

The Fox Grows Old
A Brownie Book
No author/Illustrated Indicated
c. 1946
Samuel Lowe Co
Bobbie Had a
by Frieda Friedman
Pictures by Emmo
c. 1946
John Martin's House, Inc.
A Little Child
The Christmas
Told in Bible Verses
Chosen by Jessie Orton Jones
Illustrated by
Elizabeth Orton Jones
The Viking Press
First Edition
King Thrushbeard
by the Brothers Grimm
Adapted and illustrated
by Harriet
c. 1946
by Spring House
First Edition
Famous Fairy Tales
Adapted by Eleanor Graham
Illustrated by Mervin Jules
c. 1946
Wonder Books
(One of seven wonder books
also published in this larger
7 1/2" x 9 3/4" size)
Little Lulu and the Organ Grinder Man
Written and Illustrated
by Marjorie Henderson Buellc. 1946
McLoughlin Bros., Inc.
The Little Fur Family
by Margaret Wise Brown
by Garth WIlliams
c. 1946
Harper & Row
The Littlest
by Johanna DeWitt
Pictures by
Phoebe Erickson
c. 1946
Watertower Books
Red Mittens
Story and Pictures
by Laura Bannon
c. 1946
Houghton Mifflin
1965 First Cadmus Ed.
E. M. Hale and Company
The Fat Baron
Written by Clip Boutell
Pictures by
Frank Lieberman
Houghton Mifflin
Apparent First Edition
The Circus Book
Story by Rosemary Smith
Illustrated by Sari
c. 1946
John Martin's House
First Edition
A Child's Book of Birds
by Luis M. Henderson
c. 1946
Pied Piper Books
First edition
Cap'n Dow and the
in the Doughnut
by Le Grand
Abingdon Press
Edition uncertain
no further editions,
printings noted
The Story of the
Three Bears
by Charles Thorson
c. 1946
John Martin's House, Inc.
First Edition
White Snow
Bright Snow
Alvin Tresselt
by Roger Duvoisin
Lothrop, Lee &
Shepard Co., Inc
Fourteenth Printing,
Feb 1963
* Stone
by Marcia Brown
c 1947
Further information uncertain
(title page missing)
Further links about Author:
from Collection
Marcia Brown
Good Night Moon
by Margaret Wise Brown
Pictures by Clement Hurd
c. 1947
Harper & Row
Big Susan
by Elizabeth Orten Jones
c. 1947
The Macmillan Co.
(2002 Purple House Press,
55th Aniversary Edition)
The First Story
by Margaret Wise Brown
Pictures by Marc Simont
c. 1947
Harper &Brothers
Apparent First Edition
You and the
United Nations
Written and Illustrated
by Lois Fisher
c. 1947
Children's Press
Takes a Job
by H. A. Rey c. 1947
Houghton Mifflin Co.
The second Curious
George story
The Winter
Noisy Book
by Margaret Wise Brown
Pictures by Charles G. Shaw
c. 1947
Harper & Row, Brothers
The Smart Little Boy and His Smart Little Kitty
Story by Louise Woodcock
Pictures by Lucienne Bloch
c. 1947
William R. Scott, Inc.
1961 First Cadmus Ed.
E. M. Hale and Co.
Jolly Blue Boat
Story and Pictures
by John and Jane Courtright
Children's Press
1962 edition,
third printing
The Big Snow
by Berta and Elmer Hader
c.1948, 1976
Macmillan Publishing Co
First Scholastic
Printing, 1990
*Blueberries for Sal
by Robert McCloskey
c. 1948
The Viking Press
Renewed 1976
Later Book Club Edition
by Holling Clancy Holling
c. 1948
Houghton Mifflin
Chickaree the
Fuzzy Wuzzy
Illustrator unknown
c. 1948
Whitman Publishing Co.
1st edition, paperback
Wait Till the
Moon is Full
Story by Margaret Wise Brown
Pictures by Garth Williams
c. 1948
Harper & Row
The Three Little Pigs
No Stated Illustrator
c. 1948
Sam'l Gabriel Son & Co.
Story by Ruth Kraus
Pictures by Phyllis Rowland
c. 1948
Harper & Row
Story and Pictures
by Clare Turlay Newberry
Harper & Brothers Publishers
Special Cadmus Edition
E. M. Hale and Company
Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose
by Dr. Seuss
c. 1948
Random House
Mary Ann's First Picture
Written and Illustrated
by Winifred Bromhall
c. 1948
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
Special Cadmus Edition
E. M. Hale and Co.
The Red Carpet
Story and Pictures
by Rex Parkin
c. 1948
Macmillan Publishing
by Madye Lee Chastain
c. 1948
Whitman Publishing
Country Fireman
Written by Jerrold Beim
Illustrated by Leonard Shortfall
c. 1948
William Morrow & Co.
Apparent First Edition
No further editions/
printings noted
Song of the
by Leo Politi
Charles Scribner's Sons
Aladdin Books Edition, paperback
The Happy Day
by Ruth Krauss
Pictures by Marc Simont
c. 1949
Harper, Row, Publishers
Scholastic Book Services
4th printing
The Night Before Christmas
Illustrated by
Leonard Weisgard
c. 1949
Grosset & Dunlap, Inc
The Important Book
Words by
Margaret Wise Brown
Pictures by
Leonard Weisgard
c. 1949
Harper & Brothers
The Fuzzy Ducking
by Jane Werner
Pictures by Alice and
Martin Provensen
c. 1949
Golden Press
A Big Golden Book
The Smallest Boy
in the Class
by Jerrold Beim
Illustrated by
Meg Wohlberg
William Morrow
Apparent First Edition
No further editions/printings noted
The Picture Book
of Illinois
Story by Bernadine Bailey
Pictures by Kurt Wiese
c. 1949
Albert Whitman and Company
First Edition
Cowboy Small
by Lois Lenski
c. 1949
(One of three of
the Mr. Small
picture books included in
Big Book of Mr. Small.
See also The Little Farm, 1942
and Policeman Small, 1962)
Henry Z, Walck, Inc./
David McKay Co., Inc.
by Herbert S. Zim
Illustrated by
James Gordon Irving
c. 1949
William Morrow & Co.