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Books from the 1930s
(Sorted by copyright date of Illustrations. Click on image to see sample
Winner *
Caldecott Honor
Newbery Honor Book
Angus and
the Ducks
Stories and Pictures
by Marjorie Flack
c. 1930
Doubleday & Co., Inc.
Gulliver's Travels
Into Several Remote
of the World
Arranged in Three Parts
the Original of
Jonathan Swift
by M. Dodge Holmes, PhD.
with Original Illustrations
by Edwin J. Prittie
c. 1930
The John C. Winston Co.


The Little Rabbit
Red Wings
by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
Pictures by Dorothy
c. 1931
The Platt & Munk Co., Inc
The Christ Child
As Told by Matthew and Luke
Made by Maud and Miska Petersham
c. 1931
Doubleday and Company, Inc
Angus and
the Cat
Stories and Pictures
by Marjorie Flack
c. 1931
Doubleday & Co., Inc.
Scholastic Paperback
The Modern Storybook
by Wallace Wadsworth
Illustrated by Ruth Eger
c. 1931
Rand McNally & Co
1941 Edition
Herbert the Lion
Story and Pictures
by Clare Turlay Newberry
c. 1931
(First SMITHMARK Edition, 1998)
A Child's
Garden of Verses
by Robert Louis Stevenson
Illustrations by
Paula Rees Good
C. 1931 (illustrations)
Whitman Publishing Co.
The Tale of
Corally Crothers
by Romney Gay
c. 1932
Grosset & Dunlap
Mother Goose
Cut-Out Story Book
with Gummed Sheets
c. 1932
McLoughlin Brothers, Inc.
Angus Lost
Told and Pictured
by Marjorie Flack
c. 1932
Doubleday & Co., Inc.
Eighth Printing
The Cruise of
Mr. Christopher Columbus
A really Truly Story
by Sadyebeth & Anson Lowitz
with illustrations by the latter
April 1932
Grosset & Dunlap,
Edition Uncertain
Ask Mr. Bear
by Marjorie Flack
c. 1932
3r printing, 1964
Perez and Martina
"A Portorican Folk Tale"
by Pura Belpre
Illustrated by
Carlos Sanchez M.
c. 1932
by Frederick Warne & Co.
c. 1960
by Pura Belpre White
New edition 1961
The Rooster, the
Mouse and the
Little Red Hen
Illustrated by Eulalie
c. 1932
The Platt & Munk Co., Inc.
Chicken Little
Illustrated by Eulalie
c. 1932
The Platt & Munk Co., Inc.
The Tale of
Peter Rabbit
by Beatrix Potter
c. 1932
The Platt & Munk Co., Inc.
The Little Red Hen
and the
Grain of Wheat
Illustrated by Eulalie
c. 1932
The Platt & Munk Co., Inc.
Three Little Pigs
Illustrated by Eulalie
c. 1932
The Platt & Munk Co., Inc.
The Story of Babar
the Little
by Jean DeBrunhoff
c. 1933
Random House
Book club edition
The Story
About Ping
by Marjorie Flack
and Kurt Wiese
c. 1933
The Viking Press
Edition uncertain,
no further dates or
printings indicated
Round the
Mulberry Bush
by Marion L. McNeil
Illustrated by Fern Bisel Peat
c. 1933
The Saalfield Publishing Co.
1934 |
by Roger Duvoisin
Grosset & Dunlap, Inc.
(Original 1933 version was in black and white, this is 1940 version was reissued with
illustrations partially colored)
by Roger Duvoisin
Grosset & Dunlap, Inc.
c. renewed 1968
Parents Magazine
fully colored edition
Little Rabbit
Story by Helen Hart
Pictures by Bess Livings
c. 1934
Whitman Publishing
Kittens and Puppies
by Ruth E. Newton
Pictures c. 1934
c. 1940 by
Whitman Publishing Co.
Written and Illustrated
by Romney Gay
c. 1934
Grosset and Dunlap
The Travels
of Babar
by Jean DeBrunhoff
Translated from the French
by Merle S. Haas
(cover missing)
c. 1934
Random House
Tom Thumb
Illustrated by Eulalie
c. 1934
Platt & Munk Co., Inc.
Peter Pan
Illustrated by Eulalie
c. 1934
Platt & Munk Co., Inc.
Dick Whittington
Illustrated by Eulalie
c. 1934
Platt & Munk Co., Inc.
Down Down
by Ellis Credle
c. 1934
Thomas Nelson and Sons
Gone is Gone
by Wanda Gag
c. 1935
Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, inc.
Honk the Moose
by Phil Stong
Pictures by Kurt Wiese
Dodd, Mead & Company
1966 Edition
1936 |
The Story of
by Munro Leaf
Drawings by Robert Lawson c.
The Viking Press
book club edition
Snipp, Snapp,
Snurr and the
by Maj Lindman
c. 1936
Albert Whitman and Co.
12th printing, 1962
on the Farm
by C M Burd
(Clara Miler Burd)
c. 1936
The Saalfield Pub. Co.
Molly and Michael
by Florence bourgeois
c. 1936
Doubleday, Doran & Company
1941 edition
(cover missing)
Children of Many Lands
By Dana Bruce and
Elizabeth F. McGrady
c. 1936
(Original 1936 title was
"Children of Foreign Lands,"
with verses by Kate Cox Goddard)
The Platt and Munk Co., 1960 edition
1937 |
A Kitten A Puppy
A Bunny and A Bear
Story and Pictures by E. Keto
c. 1937
Whitman Publishing
Animal Friends
While no illustrator is stated, several
illustrations are signed
by Victor G. Becker
c. 1937
The Platt & Munk Co., Inc.
(linen book)
Toby and Sue
Written and Illustrated
by Romney Gay
c. 1937
Grosset and Dunlap
Wynken Blynken
and Nod
and Other Verses
by Eugene Field
c. 1937
The Saalfield Publishing Co.
Snow White and
the Seven Dwarfs
by the Brothers Grimm
Illustrated by Bess Livings
c. 1937
Rand McNally & Co.
A Visit from
St. Nicholas
by Clement C. Moorec.
1937 (Illust.)
1990 edition published
by Gallery Books/W.H.Smith Publishers, Inc.
The Restless Robin
by Marjorie Flack
Houghton Mifflin Company
Edition uncertain, no further dates/printings stated
Indians and Cowboys
A one-volume edition of
Indians of the Plains and
Cowboys of America
Written and Illustrated
by Sanford Tousey
c. 1937
Cowboys of America
c. 1940 Indians of the Plains
Rand McNally & Co.
And To Think
That I Saw It
Mulberry Street
by Dr. Seuss
Vanguard Press
Grolier, Book Club Edition
Walt Disney's
Ferdinand the Bull
by Munro Leaf and
Robert Lawson (1936)
c 1938
by Walt Disney Enterprises
Dell Publishing Co.
paperback edition
the Camel
Story and Pictures
by Grace Paull
c. 1938
Viking Press.
Land of Surprise
by Gladys & Corinne Malvern
c. 1938
McLoughlin Bros., Inc.
Tramp the
Sheep Dog
Story by Don Lang
Pictures by Kurt Wiese
c. 1938 by Story Parade
1943 by Grosset & Dunlap
The Five
Chinese Brothers
by Claire Huchet Bishop
Kurt Wiese
c. 1938
Coward-McCann, Inc.
by Gladys L. Adshead
Oxford University Press
Twelfth Printing
by Tom Robinson
Illustrated by Peggy Bacon
c. 1938
The Viking Press
Renewed 1966
1968 paperback edition
The 500 Hats
Bartholomew Cubbins
by Dr. Seuss
c. 1938
Vanguard Press
Renewed 1966
Scholastic Paperback Edition
Blaze and the
Forest Fire
by C. W. Anderson
The Macmillan Company
Twenty second Printing
by Berta and Elmer Hader
The Macmillan Co.
Thirteenth Printing, 1962
by Ludwig Bemelmans
c. 1939
The Viking Press
Later book club edition
Mike Mulligan and
His Steam Shovel
by Virginia Lee Burton
c. 1939
Houghton Mifflin Co.
The Country Bunny
and the Little Gold Shoes
as told to Jennifer
by Du Bose Heyward
Pictures by Marjorie Flack
c. 1939
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Woody, Hazel and Little Pip
pictures by Elsa Beskowc.
1939 (Illust.)
First Published in 1939 as
Ocke, Nutta och Pillerill
1990 Floris Books edition
Little White Kitten
The Story of Fluff
Story by June Scheckler
Drawings by
Mary Alice Stoddard
c. 1939
Whitman Publishing
the Gander
by Tasha Tudor
Henry Z. Walck
1961 edition
The Bounty Book
for Tiny Tots
No Illustrator noted
circa. 1939?
Book is undated but
inscription in front includes date "25th June 1939"
Juvenile Productions Ltd.
The Circus Boat
by John Hooper
Illustrated by Charles E. Pont
c. 1939
Junior Literary Guild
& Stephen Daye Press.
Reprint Edition
by Down East Books, 1983
Little Toot
Pictures and Story
by Hardie Gramatky
G. P. Putnam's Sons
Cadmus Edition,
date uncertain
Baby's Prayer
at Twilight
Written and Illustrated
by Priscilla Pointer
c. 1939
McLoughlin Brothers
Rudolph the
by Robert May
Illustrated by Denver Gillen
C. 1939
Facsimile edition to
celebrate 50th Anniversary
of original edition
The Last Flower
A Parable in Pictures
by James Thurber
c. 1939
Harper Colophon Books/
Harper & Row
A Pint of Judgment
a Christmas Story
by Elizabeth Morrow
c. 1939
Alfred A. Knopf