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Books from the 1980s
(Sorted by copyright date of Illustrations. Click on
image to see sample pages)
Winner *
Caldecott Honor
*** Newbery
1980 |





by Arnold Lobel
c. 1980
Thomas Y. Crowell
The Crocodiles
Still Wait
by Carol Carrick
by Donald Carrick
c. 1980
Houghton Mifflin/Clarion
Space Case
by Edward Marshall
Pictures by James Marshall
c. 1980
The Dial Press
First Printing
Henry's Awful
by Robert Quackenbush
c. 1980
Parent's Magazine Press
The Shopping
by John Burningham
c. 1980
Thomas Y. Crowell


Wales' Tale
by Susan Saunders
Illustrated by Marilyn Hirsh
c. 1980
The Viking Press
First Edition
Harry's Song
by Lillian Hoban
c. 1980
Greenwillow Books
First Edition
The Last Puppy
by Frank Asch
c. 1980
Simon and Schuster
The Runaway Road
by Stan Mack
c. 1980
Parents Magazine Press
First Edition
The Day Jimmy's
Boa Ate the
by Trinla Hakes Noble
Pictures by Steven Kellogg
c. 1980
The Dial Press
by Wendy Kesselman
Illustrated by
Barbara Cooney
c. 1980
Barbara Cooney
Another Mouse to Feed
by Robert Kraus
Pictures by Jose Aruego
& Ariane Dewey
Simon and Schuster
Coming Soon
Gila monsters meet you at the airport
by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat
pictures by Byron Barton
c. 1980
Macmillan Publishers Co.
First Edition
The Bear Who Slept
Through Christmas
by John Barrett
Illustrations by
Rick Reinert Productions
c.. 1980
Ideals Publications Corp.
Have a Robot!
by Jane Thayer
Illustrated by
Bari Weissman
c. 1980
William Morrow and Co.
First Edition


Grandpa's Eyes
by Patricia MacLachlan
Pictures by
Deborah Kogan Ray
c. 1980
Harper & Row Publishers
Follow the River
by Lydia Dabcovick
c. 1980
E. P. Dutton
First Edition
The Lonely
by Jenny Hawkesworth
Illustrated by
Emanuel Schongut
c. 1980
Doubleday & Co.
Mine Will,
Said John
by Helen V. Griffith
pictures by
Muriel Batherman
Greenwillow Books
No Pets Allowed
by Nathan Zimelman
by Pamela Johnson
c. 1980
E. P. Dutton
First Edition

The Fox with
Cold Feet
by Bill Singer
Pictures by Dennis Kendrick
c. 1980
Parent's magazine Press
First Edition
The Terrible Eater
by Mitchell Sharmat
Illustrated by Jose Aruego
and Araine Dewey
c. 1980
Four Winds Press
Coming Soon
Gorky Rises
by William Steig
c. 1980
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
A Bird Can Fly
by Douglas Florian
c. 1980
Greenwillow Books
First Edition
by James Stevenson
c. 1980
Greenwillow Books
First Edition
Perfect the Pig
by Susan Jeschke
c. 1980
Henry Holt and Co.
The Mystery of the
Flying Orange Pumpkin
Story and Pictures
by Steven Kellogg
c. 1980
Dial Press
On Sunday
the Wind Came
by Alan C. Elliot
by Susan Bonners
c. 1980
William Morrow and Co.
First Edition
Your Pet Bear
by Bobby Hamas
by Tom Dunnington
c. 1980
Children's Press

Written and Illustrated
by Chris Van Allsburg
c. 1981
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Buffaloes Begin
by Olaf Baker
Pictures by
Stephen Gammell c. 1981
Viking Penguin
Over There
by Maurice Sendak c. 1981
HarperCollins Pub.
*** *
A Visit to
William Blake's
by Nancy Willard
Illustrated by Alice and
Martin Provensen
c. 1981, 1980
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
Ben and
the Porcupine
by Carol Carrick
by Donald Carrick
Houghton Mifflin/Clarion


Goes to School
Story and Pictures
by Rosemary Wells
c. 1981
The Dial Press
Little Peep
by Jack Kent c. 1981
Prentice-Hall, Inc
The Amazing Pig
An old Hungarian Tale
Retold and Illustrated
by Paul Galdone
c. 1981
Houghton MIfflin/
Herbie's Troubles
by Carol Chapman
Illustrated by Kelly Oechsli
c. 1981
E. P. Dutton
First Edition
The Beast with a Thousand Teeth
by Terry Jones
Illustrated by
Michael Foreman
c. 1981
Peter Bedrick Books
First Edition
There's a Party
at Mona's Tonight
by Harry Allard
Illustrated by
James Marshall
c. 1981
Doubleday & Co.
First Edition
Bringing the Rain
to Kapiti
by Verna Aardema
Pictures by Beatriz Vidal
c. 1981
Dial Books for
Young Readers
at the Window
Written and Illustrated
by Karen Ann Weinhaus
c. 1981
Peachtree Publishers
The Stupids Die
Story by Harry Allard
Pictures by James Marshall
c. 1981
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Clara Joins
the Circus
by Michael Pellowski
Pictures by True Kelley
c. 1981
Parents Magazine Press
One Zillion
by Frank Modell
c. 1981
Greenwillow Books
Coming Soon
This Farm is a Mess
by Leslie McGuire
c. 1981
Parent's Magazine Press
Coming Soon
Jump, Frog, Jump!
by Robert Kalan
Pictures by Byron Barton
c. 1981
Greenwillow Books
McGoogan Moves
the Mighty Rock
by Patience Brewsterc. 1981
Harper and Row
First Edition
and the
Cats from Mars
by Patience Brewster
c. 1981
Houghton Mifflin/Clarion
Regards To the
Man in the Moon
by Ezra Jack Keats
c. 1981
Macmillan Pub. Co.
Groundhogs Day
at the Doctor
Story by Judy Delton
Pictures by Giulio Maestro
c. 1981
Parent's Magazine Press
Coming Soon
Ernest and Celestine
by Gabrielle Vincentc. 1981
Coming Soon
Hot-Air Henry
by Mary Caloun
by Erick Ingrahamc. 1981
William Morrow
by Jody Silver
c. 1981
Doubleday & Co.

A Rose for
Story and Pictures
by Steven Kellogg
c. 1981
Building a House
by Byron Barton
c. 1981
Greenwillow Books
First Edition
Dancing Turtles
Adapted from an
American Folk Tale
by Maggie Duff
Illustrated by
Maria Horvath
c. 1981
Macmillan Publishing Co.
First Edition
Bread and Honey
A Frank Asch Bear Story
c. 1981
Parents Magazine Press
Golly Gump
Swallowed a Fly
by Joanna Cole
Pictures by Bari Weissman
c. 1981
Parent's Magazine Press
by Joyce Wakefield
by Tom Dunnington
c. 1981
Children's Press
The Biggest Shadow
in the Zoo
by Jack Kent
c. 1981
Parents Magazine Press
Coming Soon
Alphabet Book
by Don Nedobeckc.
Children's Press

Translated and Illustrated
by Marcia Brown
c. 1982
E. P. Dutton
*When I Was
Young in the
by Cynthia Rylant
Illustrated by Diane Goode
c. 1982
E. P. Dutton
The Monster
the Tailor
A Ghost Story
Retold and Illustrated
by Paul Galdone
c. 1982
Clarion Books
Doctor De Soto
by William Steig
c. 1982
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Scholastic paperback
Henry and the
Red Stripes
Story and Pictures
by Eileen Christelow
c. 1982
Coming Soon
Let's Make Rabbits
A fable by Leo Lionni
c. 1982
Pantheon Books
First Edition
Goes West
by Robert Quackenbush
c. 1982
Parents Magazine Press
Coming Soon
Follow the Leader
by Jacquie Hann
c. 1982
First Edition
Round Robin
by Jack Kent
c. 1982
Coming Soon
Catch the Ball
by Eric Carle
c. 1982
Mary's Mirror
by Jim Ainsworth
Illustrated by Richard Egielski
c. 1982
Hot-Rinehart and Winston
Coming Soon
The Do-Something Day
c. 1982
Coming Soon
c. 1982
Doubleday & Company. Inc.
Coming Soon
Let's Paint a
by Eric Carle
c. 1982
Miss Rumphius
Story and Pictures
by Barbara Cooney
c. 1982
Viking Penguin
Trumpet Club paperback
Coming Soon
Snow Lion
by David McPhail
c. 1982
1 Hunter
by Pat Hutchins
c. 1982
Greenwillow Books
First Edition
Annie and the
Mud Monster
by Dick Gackenbach
c. 1982
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
First Edition
Coming Soon
by Bernard Waber
c. 1982
Houghton Mifflin
Coming Soon
The Three Little Kittens
by Lorinda Bryan Cauley
c. 1982

Happy Birthday,
by Frank Asch
c. 1982
Prentice-Hall, Inc.
What's in
Fox's Sack?
by Paul Galdone
c. 1982
Clarion Books
The Cobbler's
a fable adapted
and illustrated
by Marcia Sewall
c. 1982
E. P. Dutton
First edition
The Bicycle
by Allen Say
c. 1982
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Stega Nona's
Magic Lessons
Story and Pictures
by Tomie de Paola
c. 1982
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
Scholastic Edition
The Big Bunny and
the Easter Eggs
by Steven Kroll
by Janet Stevens
c. 1982
Holiday House
Eulalie and the
Hopping Head
by David Small
c. 1982
Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.
First Edition
First Book by this Caldecott Winning
Ming Lo Moves
the Mountain
by Arnold Lobel
c. 1982
Greenwillow Books
First Edition
Miss Nelson
is Back
Harry Allard
James Marshall
c. 1982
Houghton Mifflin Co.
I Dance in My
Red Pajamas
by Edith Thatcher Hurd
by Emily Arnold McCully
c. 1982
Harper & Row, Publishers
First Edition
Rabbit Express
by Michael Gay
C. 1982
William Morrow and Co.
The Dragon Kite
by Nancy Luenn
Illustrated by
Michael Hague
c. 1982
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
First Edition
by Patience Brewster
c. 1982
Clarion Books
by Mike Thaler
Pictures by
David Wiesner
c. 1982
Harper & Row
The Curious
Little Kitten
by Linda Hayward
Illustrated by
Maggie Swanson
c. 1982
Golden Press/Western Pub.
The Tickle Tree
by Fran Manushkin
Illustrated by Yuri Salzman
Two Coyotes
by Carol Carrick
Illustrated by
Donald Carrick
c. 1982
Clarion Books
Mouse and Moles
Great Race
by Diane Redfield Massie
c. 1982
Weekly Reader
Children's Book Club



Glorious Flight
Across the Channel
with Louis Bleriot
by Alice and Martin Provensen c.
Too Big
by Holly Keller
c. 1983
Greenwillow Books
First Edition
Ruby the Red Knight
Story and Pictures
by Amy Aitken
c. 1983
Bradbury Press
First Edition
Binky Gets a Car
by Dick Gackenbach
c. 1983
Clarion Books
The Nightgown of
the Sullen Moon
by Nancy Willard
Illustrated by
David McPhail
c. 1983
Harcourt Brace
Cully Cully
and the Bear
by Wilson Gage
by James Stevenson
c. 1983
Greenwillow Books
First Edition
You'll Soon Grow
Into Them, Titch
by Pat Hutchins
c. 1983
Greenwillow Books
I Hate My
Brother Harry
by Crescent Dragonwagon
Illustrated by
Dick Gackenbach
c. 1983
Harper & Row
by Carol Carrick
by Donald Carrick
c. 1983
Clarion Books
Loudmouth George and
the Sixth-Grade Bully
by Nancy Carlson
c. 1983
Carolrhoda Books
on the Docks
by Thatcher Hurd
c. 1983
Harper & Row
George's Store
Story by Frank Asch
Pictures by B. Wiseman
c. 1983
Parent's Magazine Press
Henry Babysits
by Robert Quackenbush
c. 1983
Parents Magazine Press
The Very Busy
by Eric Carle
c. 1983
Philomel Books
Second Edition
The Story of a
Bragging Duck
by Juliet Kepes
c. 1983
Houghton Mifflin Co.
by Anthony Browne
c. 1983
Alfred A. Knopf
The Surprise
by George Shannon
Pictures by Jose Aruego
and Ariane Dewey
c. 1983
Greenwillow Books
First Edition
Billy Gorilla
by Ron Wegen
c. 1983
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
First Edition
Possum Crest's Greatest
Christmas Show
by Marilyn Jeffers Walton
Illustrations by
Susan Jeschke
c. 1983
Raintree Publishers Inc.
by Frank Asch
c. 1983
Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Loudmouth George
and the
Fishing Trip
by Nancy Carlson
c. 1983
Carolrhoda Books
and the Dragon
by Margaret Hodges
by Trina Schart Hyman
c. 1984
Little, Brown and Co.
First Edition
and Gretel
Retold by Rika Lesser
Illustrated by
Paul O. Zelinsky
c. 1984
The Putnam & Grosset Group
You Seen
My Duckling?
by Nancy Tafuri
c. 1984
Viking Penguin/Puffin
Story of
Jumping Mouse
A Native American Legend Retold and
by John Steptoe
c. 1984
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
Scholastic paperback, 1993
Yellow & Pink
by William Steig
c. 1984
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
First Edition
The Goodnight
by Carolyn Lesser
Illustrated by
Lorinda Bryan Cauley
c. 1984
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
First Edition
Dark and
Full of Secrets
by Carol Carrick
Pictures by
Donald Carrick
c. 1984
Clarion Books
First Edition
The Biggest
Pumpkin Ever
by Steven Kroll
Illustrated by Jeni Bassett
c. 1984
Holiday House
Tim the Mouse
Written by David Lloyd
Illustrated by Barbara Firth
Walker Books
(Scholastic Edition)
Jimmy's Boa
Bounces Back
by Trinka Hakes Noble
Pictures by
Steven Kellogg
c. 1984
Dial Books for
Young Readers
The Elves and the Shoemaker
Retold and Illustrated
by Paul Galdone
c. 1984
Clarion Books
Coming Soon
All Asleep
by Charlotte Pomerantz
Illustrated by Nancy Tafuri
c. 1984
Julia Macrae Books
by Frank Asch
c. 1984
Simon & Schuster
The Pain and
the Great One
by Judy Bloom
Illustrated by Irene Trivas
c. 1984 (Illus.)
c. 1974 (Text)
Simon and Schuster
Poppy the Panda
by Dick Gackenbach
c. 1984
Clarion Books
First Edition
by Frank Asch
c. 1984
Simon and Schuster
The Perfect
Retold by
Dick Gackenbach
c. 1984
Macmillan Publishing Co.
The Little Mouse,
The Red Ripe
and the
Big Hungry Bear
by Don and Audrey Wood
illustrated by Don Wood
c. 1984
Scholastic Edition
Don't Allow
by Thacher Hurd
c. 1984
Maybe a Bandaid
Will Help
by Anna Grossnickle Hines
c. 1984
E. P. Dutton




***The Polar
Written and Illustrated
by Chris Van Allsburg
c. 1985
Houghton Mifflin Co.
*The Relatives Came
Story by Cynthia Rylant
Illustrated by
Stephen Gammell
c. 1985
Bradbury Press
in the Bathtub
Written by Audrey Wood
Illustrated by Don Wood
c. 1985
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers
First Edition
The Puppy Who
Wanted a Boy
by Jane Thayer
Illustrated by
Lisa McCue
c. 1985
William Morrow & Co.
The Night Book
by Mark Strand
Illustrated by
William Pene Dubois
c. 1985
Clarkson N. Potter, Inc.
First Edition
Hazel's Amazing
by Rosemary Wells
c. 1985
Dial Books for Young Readers
Whiskers &
by Arnold Lobel
c. 1985
HarperCollins, Inc
Teeny Tiny
Retold by Jill Bennett
Pictures by Tomie DePaola
c. 1985
G. P. Putnam's Sons
George Shrinks
Story and Pictures
by William Joyce
c. 1985
HarperCollins, Inc
Louanne Pig in
Making the Team
by Nancy Carlson
c. 1985
Carolrhoda books

The Foolish Tortoise
by Richard Buckley
Illustrations by Eric Carle
c. 1985
Picture Book Studio
A Clock For Beany
by Lisa Bassett
Pictures by Jeni Bassett
c. 1985
Dodd, Mead & Co.
Coming Soon
Anna Banana
and Me
by Leonore Blegvad
Illustrated by Erik Blegvad
c. 1985
Simon & Schuster
Cat Goes
Adapted and Illustrated
by Paul Galdone
c. 1985
A Weekend
in the Country
by Lee Lorenz
c. 1985
Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Coming Soon
the Rusty Nail
by William Steig
c. 1985
Farrar, Straus & Giroux
First Edition
Joey Runs Away
by Jack Kent
c. 1985
Prentice-Hall, Inc.
The Quilt Story
by Tony Johnston
Illustrated by
Tomie dePaola
c. 1985
Bear Shadow
by Frank Asch
c. 1985
Simon & Schuster
How Much Is a Million?
by David M. Schwrtz
Pictures by Steven Kellogg c.
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard

Jerome the
by Eileen Christelow c.
Clarion Books
First edition
It's Mine!
A fable by Leo Lionni
c. 1985
Alfred A. Knopf
Hobo Dog in the
Ghost Town
by Thatcher Hurd
c. 1985
The Greedy
by Richard Buckley
Illustrated by Eric Carle
c. 1985
Picture Book Studio/
Scholastic paperback
It Wasn't
My Fault
by Helen Lester
by Lynn Munsinger
c. 1985
Houghton Mifflin Co.
My Visit to
the Dinosaurs
by Aliki
c. 1985
Harper & Row
See My
Visit to the Dinosaurs,
1969, with original illustrations
by the same illustrator
A True Story
By Margaret Mahy
by Helen Craig c. 1985
J. M. Dent and Sons, London
First American Edition by
The Atlantic Monthly Press
Coming Soon
The Worldly Pig
Written and Illustrated
by Bill Peet
c. 1985
Houghton Mifflin
Dakota Dugout
by Ann Turner
by Ronald Himler
c. 1985
Liar, Liar,
Pants on Fire
Story by Miriam Cohen
by Lillian Hoban
c. 1985
Greenwillow Books
First Edition
Bailey Goes
by Kevin Henkes
c. 1985
Greenwillow Books
Coming Soon
Story by Joyce Maynard
Pictures by Steve Bethel
c. 1985
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
First Edition
Coming Soon

If You Give a
Mouse a Cookie
by Laura Joffe Numeroff
Illustrated by
Felicia Bondc. 1985
Harper & Row
All By Myself
Anna Grossnickle Hines
c. 1985
Clarion Books
Coming Soon
The Insignificant Elephant
by Carol Greene
Illustrated by
Susan Gantner
c. 1985
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
First Edition
by Suse MacDonald c. 1986
Bradbury Press/
Retold and Illustrated
by Paul O. Zelinsky
c. 1986
E. P. Duttom
Five Minutes'
by Jill Murphy
c. 1986
G. P. Putnam's Sons
Coming Soon
The Robbery
at the
Dog Diner
by Eileen Christelow
c. 1986
Clarion Books
First Edition
The Purse
by Kathy Caple
c. 1986
Houghton Mifflin
First Edition
Hattie and
the Fox
by Mem Fox
Illustrated by Patricia Mullins
c. 1986
Bradbury Press
Coming Soon
Duncan & Dolores
by Barbara Samuels
c. 1986
Bradbury Press
The Doorbell Rang
by Pat Hutchins
c. 1986
William Morrow & Co
Jenna and
the Troublemaker
by Hiawyn Oram
Illustrated by Tony Ross
c. 1986
Henry Holt and Co.
First Edition
Brave Irene
by William Steig
c. 1986
Farrar, Straus & Giroux
Deer at the Brook
by Jim Arnosky
c. 1986
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
A Weekend
with Wendell
by Keven Henkes
c. 1986
The Monster
by Jeanne Willis
Illustrated by Susan Varley
c. 1986
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
Furlie Cat
by Berniece Freschet
Picures by Betsy Lewin
c. 1986
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
The Pea Patch Jig
by Thatcher Hurd
c. 1986
Crown Publishers, Inc.
Coming Soon
Noah's Ark
by Nonny Hogrogian
c. 1986
Alfred A. Knopf
Freckles & Willie
by Marjorie Cuyler
Illustrated by Marsha Winborn
c. 1986
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Coming Soon
The Baby Animals' Party
by Katherine Ross
Illustrated by Lisa McCue
c. 1986
Random House
Based on a south
and Folk Story
Text by Pete Seeger
Illustrations by
Michael Hayes
c. 1986
Macmillan Publishing
Max's Christmas
by Rosemary Wells
c. 1986
Dial Book
Scary, Scary Halloween
by Eve Bunting
Pictures by Jan Brett
c. 1986
Clarion/Houghton Mifflin
The Lady and
the Spider
by Faith McNulty
Illustrated by Bob Marstall
c. 1986
Harper & Row
First Edition
Goodbye House
by Frank Asch
c. 1986
Prentice -Hall, Inc.
First Edition
The Christmas
Day Kitten
by James Herriot
Illustrated by Ruth Brown
c. 1986
St. Martin's Press
The Mother's
Day Mice
by Eve Bunting
Illustrated by Jan Brett
c. 1986
Clarion Books
A Koala
Grows Up
by Rita Golden Gelman
Illustrated by
Gioia Fiammenghi
c. 1986
Scholastic, Inc.
Flossie &
the Fox
by Patrica C. McKissack
Pictures by
Rachel Isadora c. 1986
Dial Books
For Young Readers
First Edition
A Regular
Rolling Noah
by George Ella Lyon
Illustrated by
Stephen Gammell
c. 1986
Bradbury Press
A New Coat
for Anna
by Harriet Ziefert
Pictures by Anita Lobel
c. 1986
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
When Sheep
Cannot Sleep
The Counting Book
by Satoshi Kitamura
c. 1986
Farrar Straus Giroux
Three Little
by Paul Galdone
c. 1986
Houghton Mifflin



Owl Moon
by Jane Yolen
Illustrated by
John Schoenherr
c. 1987
Philomel Books
Fifth Impression
Coming Soon
Beautiful Daughter
by John Steptoe
c. 1987
William Morrow & Co., Inc.
The Pottery Place
by Gail Gibbons
c. 1987
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers
First Edition
Raccoons and
Ripe Corn
by Jim Arnosky
c. 1987
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
The Tiny Seed
by Eric Carle
c. 1987
Picture Book Studio
The Not-So-Wicked
by Lizi Boyd
c. 1987
Viking Kestrel
First Edition
Coming Soon
Sheila Rae,
the Brave
by Kevin Henkes
c. 1987
Viking Penguin
1993 Scholastic
Coming Soon
Rainy Day Kate
by Lenore Blegvad
by Erik Blegvad
c. 1987
William Collins Sons & Co./
Margaret K. McElderry
for Hermit Crab
by Eric Carle
c. 1987
Simon and Schuster
Danny's Mystery
by Edith Kunhardt
c. 1987
Greenwillow Books
First Edition
Arabba Gah Zee,
Marissa and Me!
by Ruth Rosner
c. 1987
Albert Whitman & Co.
First Edition
The Icky Bug
Alphabet Book
by Jerry Pallotta
Illustrated by
Ralph Masiello
c. 1984
Coming Soon
Florence and Eric
Take the Cake
by Jocelyn Wild
c. 1987
Dial Books
First Edition
Chipmunk Song
by Joanne Ryder
Pictures by Lynne Cherry
c. 1987
Lodestar Books/E. P. Dutton
First Edition
Funny Lyle
by Bernard Waber
c. 1987
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Trumpet edition
Coming Soon
Tim and Jim
by Claire Schumacher
c. 1987
Dodd, Mead & Company
Moss Gown
by William H. Hooks
Illustrated by Donald Carrick
c. 1987
No Jumping
on the Bed
by Tedd Arnold
c. 1987
Dial Books
Coming Soon
The Midnight Jam
by Reeve Lindbergh
paintings by Susan Jeffers
c. 1987
Dial Books
(Puffin Pied Piper paperback)
Little Bear's
by Jane Hissey
c. 1987
Philomel Books
2nd Impression

Coming Soon
Coming Soon
My Dad the
by Kristy Parker
Illustrated by Lillian Hoban
c. 1987
Dutton Children's Books
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Emma's Vacation
by David McPhail
c. 1987
Children's Books
Bedtime, Zachary
by Muriel Blaustein
c. 1987
Harper & Row
First Edition
The Bird
Alphabet Book
by Jerry Pallotta
Illustrated by Edgar Stewart
c. 1986
Charlesbridge Publishing
Coming Soon
The Daily Express Annual
Written and edited
by James Henderson
Illustrated by John Harrold
Story colouring
by Doris Campbell
c. 1987
Express Newspapers
Coming Soon
A Wildlife Journey
by Joyce Powzyk
c. 1987
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
First Edition
1988 |


***Song and
Dance Man
by Karen Ackerman
Illustrated by
Stephen Gammell
c. 1988
Alfred A. Knopf. Inc.
Boy of the
Three-Year Nap
by Dianne Snyder
Illustrated by Allen Say
c. 1988
Houghton Mifflin Co.
the Three Bears
Retold and Illustrated
by James Marshall
c. 1988
Dial Books
*Free Fall
by David Wiesner
c. 1988
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
Coming Soon
*Mirandy and
Brother Wind
Clever Tom and
the Leprechaun
An Old Irish Story
Retold and Illustrated
by Linda Shute
William Morrow & Co.
Coming Soon
I Hear a Noise
by Diane Goode
c. 1988
E. P. Dutton
First Edition
Tyrone the Horrible
by Hans Wilhelm
c. 1988
Scholastic Inc.
by William Steig
c. 1988
Michael di Capua Books/
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
by Wendy Orr
by Gillian Campbell
c. 1988
Ashton Scholastic


The Dinosaur Who
Lived In My Backyard
by B. G. Hennessy
Pictures by Susan Davis
c. 1988
Viking Penguin
Something Special
by David McPhail
c. 1988
Little, Brown and Co.
Shy Charles
by Rosemary Wells
c. 1988
Dial Books
First Edition
The Wonderful
Hay Tumble
by Kathleen
McKinley Harris
c. 1988
Morrow Junior Books
First Edition
The Dog Who
Had Kittens
by Polly M. Robertus
Illustrated by Janet Stevens
c. 1988
Holiday House
Busy Beavers
by Lydia Dabcovich
c. 1988
E. P. Dutton
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Cookie's Week
by Cindy Ward
Illustrated by
Tomie DePaola
c. 1988
Putnam Publishing

Oats and
Wild Apples
by Frank Asch
c. 1988
Holiday House
Coming Soon
Stringbean's Trip
To the Shining Sea
by Vera B. Williams
and Jennifer Williams
c. 1988
Greenwillow Books
Coming Soon
Step Into the Night
by Joanne Ryder
Illustrated by
Dennis Nolan
c. 1988
Four Winds Press
First Edition
Ira Says Goodbye
by Bernard Waber
c. 1988
Houghton Mifflin
Tacky the Penguin
by Helen Lester
Illustrated by
Lynn Munsinger
c. 1988
Houghton Mifflin
Dinosaur Bob
and his adventures
with the family Lazardo
by William Joycec. 1988
Harper & Row publishers
Big Snow
by Holly Keller
C. 1988
Greenwillow Books
in My Attic
Written and illustrated
by Mercer Mayer c. 1988
Dial Books for Young Readers
First Edition

The Legend of the
Indian Paintbrush
Retold and Illustrated
by Tomie dePaola
c. 1987
Putnam Publishing
Boris Beaver
by Marcus Pfister
Translated by Anthea Bell
c. 1988
North-South Books
Chester's Way
by Kevin Henkes
c. 1988
Viking Penguin
The Cinnamon Hen's
Autumn Day
Written and Illustrated
by Sandra Dutton
c. 1988
First Edition




Po Po
A Red-Riding Hood
Story from China
Translated and Illustrated
by Ed Young
c. 1989
Philomel Books
*The Talking
by Robert D. Souci
Pictures by Jerry Pinkney
c. 1989
Dial Books
for Young Readers
and the Hanukkah Goblins
by Eric Kimmel
Illustrated by
Trina Schart Hyman
c. 1989
Holiday House
No Nap
by Eve Bunting
Illustrated by
Susan Meddaugh
Clarion Books
Big Red Barn
Margaret Wise Brown
Pictures by Felicia Bond
c. 1989
(text c. 1956, c 1989 by Roberta Brown Rauch)
Come Out,
by Jim Arnosky
c. 1989
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
Too-Good Garden
James Stevenson
c. 1989
Greenwillow Books
Nettie Jo's
by Patrica C. Mc.Kissack
Illustrated by Scott Cook
c. 1989
Alfred A. Knopf
First Edition
Night Noises
Written by Mem Fox
Illustrated by Terry Denton
c. 1989
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
Coming Soon
Tillie and the Wall
by Leo Lionni
c. 1989
Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
Blackberry Ramble
by Thatcher Hurd
c. 1989
Crown Publishers
First Edition
Shoes From
by Mem Fox
by Patricia Mullins
c. 1989
Orchard Books
The Rabbit Story
by Alvin Tresselt
Pictures by Carolyn Ewing
c. 1989
William Morrow & Co.
Is Your Mama
a Llama?
by Deborah Guarino
Pictures by Steven Kellogg
c. 1989
A Piece of Cake
by Jill Murphy
c. 1989
G. P. Putnam's Sons
Trick or Treat,
by Edith Kunhardt
c. 1989
Greenwillow Books
The Mitten
Adapted and Illustrated
by Jan Brett
c. 1989
G. P. Putnam's Sons
Heron Street
by Ann Turner
by Lisa Desimini
c. 1989
Harper & Row
Juanita Havill
Illustrations by
Anne Sibley O'Brien
c. 1989
Houghton Mifflin
Coming Soon
Which Witch
Is Which
by Pat Hutchins
c. 1989
Coming Soon
The Popcorn
Written by Jane Thayer
Illustrated by Lisa McGue
c. 1989
William Morrow
Hurry Up,
by Paulette Bourgeois
by Brenda Clark
c. 1989
Kids Can Press
The Birthday Thing
by SuAnn and Kevin Kiser
by Yossi Abolafia
c. 1989
Greenwillow Books
First Edition
Coming Soon
Paddiwak and Cozy
by Berlie Doherty
Pictures by Teresa O'Brien
c. 1989
Dial Books for Young Readers
First Edition
The Tub People
by Pam Conrad
Illustrations by
Richard Egielski
c. 1989
Harper & Row
Coming Soon
Yankee Doodle
Rides Again
by Al Hartley
c. 1989
Phil the
by Robert Krauss
c. 1989
Greenwillow Books
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