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Books from the 1950s
(Sorted by copyright date of Illustrations. Click on
image to see sample pages)
Caldecott Honor
Egg Tree
by Katherine Milhous
c. 1950
Charles Scribner & Sons
and His Cat
by Marcia Brown
c. 1950
Charles Scribner & Sons
(1997 Simon & Schuster Ed.)
The Quiet
Noisy Book
by Margaret Wise Brown
by Leonard Weisgard
c. 1950
Harper & Row, Publishers
First/Early Edition
No further editions/
printings noted
Who Dreams
of Cheese
by Leonard Weisgard
Charles Scribner's Sons
1st Cadmus Edit. (1963)
by Roger Duvoisin
Alfred A. Knopf
Weekly Reader
Book Club Edition
The Doll's
by Tasha Tudor
c. 1950
Oxford University Press
(Henry Z. Walck, Inc.
paperback edition)
The Too Little
Fire Engine
Story and Pictures
by Jane Flory
c. 1950
Wonder Books
(2015 Grosset & Dunlap edition)
Follow the Wind
by Alvin Tresselt
by Roger Duvoisin c. 1950
Lothrop, Lee &
Shepard Co., Inc.
Ninth Printing,
October 1964
The Chosen Baby
by Valentina P. Wasson
Illustrated by
Hildegarde Woodward
c. 1950 (Illust.)
c. 1939 (text)
J.B. Lippincott Company
The Big Book of
Written and Illustrated
by Sydney E. Fletcher
c. 1950
Grosset & Dunlap
I'm Growing
by Sara G. Klein
Illustrated by Janet Smalley
c. 1950
The Westminster Press
Blaze Finds the
by C. W. Anderson
c. 1950
The Macmillan Co.
1960 Book
Club Edition
The First Book
of Indians
by Benjamin Brewster
by Ursula Koering
c. 1950
Franklin Watts, Inc.
Sixteenth Printing
Story by Bernadine Bailey
Pictures by Kurt Wiese
c. 1950
Albert Whitman and Company
First Edition
Story by Bernadine Bailey
Pictures by Kurt Wiese
c. 1950
Albert Whitman and Company
First Edition
North Carolina
Story by Bernadine Bailey
Pictures by Kurt Wiese
c. 1950
Albert Whitman and Company
First Edition
1951 |
Skipper John's Cook
by Marcia Brown
Junior Literary Guild and
Charles Scribner and Son's
First Edition,
first printing
(letter A under Copyright)
Further links about Author:
from Collection
Marcia Brown
*Bear Party
by William Pene Du Bois
c. 1951
The Viking Press
Fox Eyes
by Margaret Wise Brown
Illustrated by
Garth WiIliams c.
Little Shepherd
by Anobel Armour
Illustrated by
Bill and Bernard Martin
c. 1951 Tell-Well Press
The Summer
Noisy Book
Story by
Margaret Wise Brown
Pictures by
Leonard Weisgard
c. 1951
Harper & Row

Airplane Stories
by Marion Conger
Pictures by Harlow Rockwell
c. 1951
Simon and Schuster
Pussy Willow
by Margaret Wise Brown
Pictures by Leonard Weisgard
Golden Press
B Printing
Tim and the
Tool Chest
by Jerrold Beim
Illustrated by
Tracy Sugarman
c. 1951
William Morrow & Co.
Eleventh Printing
Patrick and the
Golden Slippers
by Katherine Milhous
c. 1951
Charles Scribner's Sons
Apparent First Edition



Story by
Sherry De Volld Ball
c. 1951
The Erle Press
The Busy Man
Written and Illustrated
by Vana Earle
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., Inc.
Second Printing
September 1953
Kippie the Cow
by Esther Gretor
Translated from the Danish
by Kurt Singer
Illustrated by Getterman
c. 1951
Jullian Messner
Special Cadmus Books Ed.
by E.M. Hale and Company
Minn of the
Holling Clancy Holling
c. 1951
Houghton Mifflin Co.
***The Biggest Bear
by Lynd Ward
c. 1952
Houghton Mifflin Co.
*One Morning
in Maine
by Robert McCloskey c. 1952
Viking Press
*The Storm Book
by Charlotte Zolotow
Pictures by
Margaret Bloy Graham
c. 1952
Harper & Row Publishers
* Five Little Monkeys
Story and Illustrations
By Juliet Kepes
c. 1952
Houghton Mifflin Co.
First Edition
Follow the Sunset
by Herman & Nina Schneider
Pictures by Lucille Corcos
c. 1952
The Junior Literary Guild
and Doubleday & Co., Inc
First Edition
Story and Pictures
by Roger Duvoisin
c. 1952
Alfred A. Knopf
Scholastic paperback
One Kitten
Too Many
by Bianca Bradbury
and Marie C. Nichols
Houghton Mifflin
The Little
by Margaret Wise Brown
Pictures by
Esphyr Slobodkina
c. 1952
Young Scott Books (illus.)
text c. 1938
The Ten Commandments
Edited by Mary Alice Jones
Cover Illustrations by Mary Murray
Inside Illustrations by Dorothy Grider
c. 1952
The Macmillan Co.
in the Barn
by Margaret Wise Brown
Pictures by
Barbara Cooney
c. 1952
Harper & Row
Where Have You Been?
by Margaret Wise Brown
Pictures by Barbara Cooney
c. 1952
Hastings House/Scholastic
When the Mississippi
Was Wild
by Le Grand
c. 1952
The Macmillan Co.
Happy Easter
by Kurt Wiese
c. 1952
Viking Penguin
(1991 scholastic
paperback edition)
The First Book
of Negroes
by Langston Hughes
Pictures b Ursula Koering
c. 1952
Franklin Watts, Inc.
Stated First Printing
Fast Is Not a
c. 1952
William R. Scott, Inc.
Cadmus edition by
E. M. Hale and Co.
More Rupert Adventures
A Daily Express Publicationc. 1952
London Express Newspaper
St. George's Day
in Williamsburg
By Edith Thatcher Hurd
and Clement Hurd
c. 1952
Doubleday & Company, Inc.
Apparent First Edition
No further editions/
printings noted
1953 |
Story and Pictures
by Ludwig Bemelmans
c. 1953
Viking Press
(10th printing 1966)
Very Special House
by Ruth Krauss
Pictures by Maurice Sendak
c. 1953
Harper & Row, Publishers
1970 Scholastic
Paperback edition
*Journey Cake, Ho!
by Ruth Sawyer
Illustrated by
Robert McCloskey c. 1953
Viking Press
Tim in Danger
by Edward Ardizzone
Henry Z Walck, Inc.
Edition uncertain,
No further editions/
printings noted
Cotton Top
by Jean O'Neill
c. 1953
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
First Edition
The Sailor Dog
By Margaret Wise Brown
Pictures by Garth Williams
c. 1953
Western Publishing Co.
renewed, 1981 edition
for Christmas
Story by Vernon Bowen
Pictures by Kurt Wiese
c. 1953
David McKay Company
Special Cadmus Edition by
E. M. Hale and Company
Michael's Friends
by Rose Dobbs
Pictures by Flavia Gag
c. 1953
Coward-McCann, Inc.
Spec. Cadmus Books edit.
by E. M. Hale and Co.
at the Seaside
by Enid Blyton
Pictures by Beek
c. 1953
Purnell Books, Great Britain
(1990 edit., The MacDonald Group)
Walt Disney's
Pictures by
the Walt Disney Studio
Adapted by Al Dempster
Story Adapted by Steffi Fletcher
Based on the Story by Collodic. 1953
Western Publishing
Finnegan II
His Nine Lives
by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey
Illustrated by Kate Seredyc. 1953
The Viking Press
The Book of
by Felix Sutton
Pictures by
James Schucker
c. 1953
Grosset & Dunlap
The Little Steamroller
by Graham Greene
Ilustrated by
Dorothy Craigie
c. 1953
Lothrop, Lee and Shepard
Cadmus Edition by
E. M. Hale & Co.
The Journey of
Josiah Talltatters
Story by Josephine Balfour Payne
Pictures by Joan Balfour Payne
c. 1952
The Junior Literary Guild
and Ariel Books.

Cinderella or
The Little
Glass Slipper
by Marcia Brown
c. 1954
Charles Scribner's Sons
Edition uncertain,
No further editions/
printings noted
Further links about Author:
from Collection
Marcia Brown
*The Thanksgiving
by Alice Dalgliesh
Illustrated by Helen Sewell
c. 1954
Renewed 1982
Charles Scribner's Sons
Scholastic edition,
Mike's House
by Julia L. Sauer
by Don Freeman
c. 1954
The Viking Press
The Little Engine That Could
The Complete Original Edition
Retold by Watty Piper
Illustrated by
George & Doris Hauman
c. 1954/1961
Platt & Munk Publishers/
Grosset & Dunlap
Wish Around
Written and illustrated
by Vana Earle
c. 1954
David Mc Cay Company
Special Cadmus Edition
E. M. Hale and Company

The Happy Lion
by Louise Fatio
Pictures by
Roger Duvoisin
McGraw-Hill Book Co.
7th printing
The Tall Book
of Christmas
Selected by
Dorothy Hall Smith
Pictures by
Gertrude Elliot Espencheid
c. 1954
Harper & Brothers, Inc.
The Little Fir Tree
by Margaret Wise Brown
Pictures by
Barbara Cooney
c. 1954
by Roberta Rauch
and Bruce Bliven Jr.
Thomas Y. Crowell Co.
A Little House
of Your Own
by Beatrice Schenk
De Regniers
Drawings by Irene Hass
c. 1954
Harcourt, Brace &
World, Inc.
Horton Hears
a Who!
by Dr. Seuss
c. 1954
Random House
Babar's Fair
by Laurent De Brunhoff
Translated fro the French
by Merle Haas
c. 1954
Random House
Look Out,
Mrs. Doodlepunk!
Written and Illustrated
by Dorothy L. Dodworth
c. 1954
William R. Scott, Inc.
Fish Head
by Jean Fritz
by Marc Simontc. 1954
Coward, McCann &
Geoghegan, Inc
Beady Bear
Story and Pictures
by Don Freeman
c. 1954
The Viking Press
14th Printing
The Swans of
by Walter Hackett
Illustrated by Bettina
C. 1954
Ariel Books/
Farrar, Straus & Young, Inc.
Nine Lives
The Celebrated Cat
of Beacon Hill
by Edward Fenton
Illustrated by Paul Galdone
c. 1954
The Big Book
of Cats
by Gladys Emerson Cook
and Felix Sutton
Illustrations by
Gladys Emerson Cook
c. 1954
Grosset & Dunlap
The Kitten Who Thought He Was
a Mouse
by Miriam Norton
Pictures by Garth Williamsc. 1954
Golden Press
My Easy-to-Read
True Book of Insects
by Illa Podendorf
Illustrated by
Chauncey Maltman
c. 1954
Children's Press,
Grosset and Dunlap Pub.
First Edition
Lassie Come Home
by Eric Knight
Abridged by Felix Sutton
Illustrations by
Hans H. Helweg
c. 1954
Grosset & Dunlap
Tough Enough
by Ruth and Latrobe Carroll
c. 1954
Oxford University Press
2nd printing, 1955
Little Island Star
by Melvern Barker
c. 1954
Henry Z. Walck, Inc.
Special Cadmus Books edition
by E. M. Hale and Co.
The Runaway
by Cathrine Barr
c. 1954
Henry Z. Walck, Inc.
Apparent First Edition
The Juggler of
Notre Dame
Retold and Illustrated
by Mary Fidelis Todd
Whittlesey House/
***Frog Went-a-Courtin'
Retold by John Langstaff
Pictures by
Feodor Rojankovsky
c. 1955
*Crow Boy
by Taro Yashima
c. 1955
The Viking Press
*Play With Me
by Marie Hall Ets
c. 1955
Viking Press
Mop Top
Story and Pictures
by Don Freeman
c. 1955
The Viking Press
by Ludwig Bemelmans
c. 1955
Harper & Row,
Brave Davy Coon
Story and Pictures
by Laurence Hyde
c. 1955
Harper & Brothers
Apparent First Edition
My Happy Book
On the Farm
by Doeisha
c. 1955
S. S. Kresge Co.
Mr. Bear Goes
To Boston
by Marion Flood French
Pictures by Lisl Weil
c. 1955
Follett Publishing Co.
by Kay Thompson
Drawings by Hilary Knight
c. 1955
Simon and Schuster
The Duchess
Bakes a Cake
Written and Illustrated
by Virginia Kahlc. 1955
Charles Scribner's Sons
Daffy Taffy
Written and Illustrated
by Paul Brown
c. 1955
Charles Scribner's Sons
First Edition
First printing
(A under copyright)
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Illustrated by Gavy c.
Rand McNally & Co.
I Play
at the Beach
by Dorothy Koch
Pictures by
Feodor Rojankovsky
c. 1955
Holiday House
First Edition
The Poppy Seeds
by Clyde Robert Bulla
Illustrated by Jean Charlot
c. 1955
Thomas Y. Crowell Co.
Your Kitten
Written by
Polly and Larry Foster
Illustrated by
Mary Latham
c. 1955
Melmont Publishers
by Dorothy Childs Hogner
Illustrated by Nils Hogner
c. 1955
What Can You Do
With a Shoe?
by Beatrice Schenk de Regniers
Pictures by Maurice Sendak
c. 1955
Margaret K. McElderry
by Ingrid & Edgar D'Aulaire
c. 1955
Doubleday & Co.
***A Tree Is
by Janice May Udry
Pictures by Marc Simont
c. 1956
by Eve Titus
Pictures by Paul Galdone
c. 1956
McGraw Hill
paperback edition
1 is One
by Tasha Tudor c. 1956
by Henry Z. Walck, Inc.
Rand McNally & Co.
Harry the Dirty Dog
by Gene Zion
Pictures by
Margaret Bloy Graham
c. 1956
Harper & Row
Coco is Coming
by Betty Peckinpah
Pictures by Mariana
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., Inc
Madeline and
the Bad Hat
Written and Illustrated
by Ludwig Bemelmans
c. 1956
The Viking Press
1968 paperback edition
The Elephant
and the Flea
by Alain
c. 1958
Whittlessey House/
McGraw-Hill Co., Inc.
Apparent 1st Edition
Written and Illustrated
by Virginia Kahl c.
Charles Scribner's Sons.
The Clock
by Esphyr Slobodkina
First edition
Babar and
the Professor
by Laurent De Brunhoff
Translated from the French
by Merle Haas
c. 1956
Random House
Story and Pictures
by Robin King
E.P. Dutton & Co.
First Edition
Windy and the
Willow Whistle
by Edith Thatcher Hurd
Illustrated by
Clement Hurd
Sterling Publishing
Apparent 1st Edition
The Little Red Engine
and the Rocket
Story by Diana Ross
Pictures by Leslie Wood
Faber and Faber Limited
Home for a Bunny
by Margaret Wise Brown
Pictures by Garth Williams
c. 1956
Golden Press
A Big Golden Book
See also
A Little Golden
Book Edition
Mickey Mouse and the Missing
Story by
Annie North Bedford
Adapted by Julius Svendsen
and Bob Totten
lllustrated by
Walt Disney Studios c.
Reader's Digestand McNally & Co.

Edward Lear's
Nonsense Book
Selected and Illustrated
by Tony Palazzo
c. 1956
Garden City Books
First Edition
I Know a Lot
of Things
by Ann and Paul Rand
Harcourt, Brace and Co.
Apparent 1st edition
The Little Fish
That Got Away
Story by Bernadine Cook
Pictures by
Crockett Johnson
c. 1956
Scholastic Book Services
Come To
the Country
Written and Illustrated
by Grace Paull
c. 1956
Abelard Schuman
Mickey's Magnet
Franklyn M. Branley
and Eleanor K. Vaughn
Pictures by
Crocket Johnson
c. 1956
Harper &Row
My Puppy
Written by
Polly & Larry Foster
c. 1956
Melmont Publishers
Apparent 1st Edition
Janey and the
Summer Dance Camp
by Regina J. Woody
Illustrated by
Arline K. Thomson
c. 1956
Alfred A. Knopf
Harold's Fairy Tale
by Crockett Johnson
c. 1956
(2000 Scholastic edition)
The Blue-Nosed
by Margaret Embry
Pictures by Carl Rose
c. 1956
Holiday House
I Want To Be an
Animal Doctor
by Carla Greene
by Frances Echart
c. 1956
Childrens Press
All Ready
For Summer
by Leon Adelson
Illustrated by
Kathleen Elgin
c. 1956
David McKay Co.
Apparent 1st edition
I Want To Be a
Train Engineer
by Carla Greene
by Victor Havel
c. 1956
Children's Press
The Red Balloon
by Albert Lamorisse
c. 1956
Doubleday & Co., Inc.
Thin Ice
by Jerrold Beim
Pictures by Louis Darling
c. 1956
William Morrow and Co.

***Time of Wonder
by Robert McCloskey
c. 1957
The Viking Press
Curious George
Gets a Medal
by H. A. Rey
c. 1957
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Big Red Bus
by Ethel and Leonard
c. 1957
Doubleday and Co.
Archie Angel
by Margot Austin
c. 1957
E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc.
First Edition
The Giant
Nursery Book
Selected and Illustrated
by Tony Palazzo c.
Garden City Books

Over and Over
by Charlotte Zolotow
Pictures by Garth Williams
c. 1957
Harper & Row
The Farmer and
His Cows
by Louise Floethe
Illustrations by
Richard Floethe
c. 1957
Charles Scribner's Sons
Dear Garbage Man
by Gene Zion
Pictures by
Margaret Bloy Graham
Harper & Row, Publishers
The Wild
Little House
by Eilis Dillon
Illustrated by V. H. Drummond
c. 1957
Criterion Books
Special Cadmus Edition by
E. M. Hale and Company
Old Bet
by Ann Colver
Illustrated by
Tony Palazzo
c. 1957
Alfred A. Knopf
by Bettina
c. 1957
Harper & Brothers
Apparent 1st edition
Jay's Big Job
by Jerrold Beim
lllustrated by
Tracy Sugarman c.
William Morrow and Co.
Terry's Ferry
Story by Marion Belden Cook
Pictures by Erika Weihs c.
E. P. Dutton & Co., Inc.
First Edition
The Unhappy
Story by Nancy Moore
by Edward Leight
c. 1957
The Vanguard Press

I Want To Be
a Teacher
by Carla Greene
by Vie Johnson
c. 1957
Children's Press
The Three Billy
Goats Gruff
by P.C. Asbjornsen
and J. E. Moe
by Marcia Brown
c. 1957
Harcourt, Brace & World
The Cow Who Fell
in the Canal
by Phyllis Krasilovsky
Illustrated by Peter Spier
Doubleday & Co.
The True Book
of Houses
by Katherine Carter
Illustrations by
George Rhoads
c. 1957
Children's Press
The Light
in the Tower
by Joan Howard
by Adrienne Adams
c. 1957
Lothrop, Lee Shepard
The Mellops
Go Flying
by Tomi Ungerer
c. 1957
Harper & Row, Publishers
What is a
by Gene Darby
Pictures-Lucy and
John Hawkinson
c. 1957
Benefic Press
Who Is It?
Written and Illustrated
by Zhenya Gay
c. 1957
The Viking Press
Apparent first edition
and the Ducks
by Marjorie G. Fribourg
with drawings
by Artur Marokvia
c. 1957
Sterling Publishing
First Cadmus Edition (1963)
Lad a Dog
by Albert Payson
Adapted and Abridged
by Felix Sutton
Illustrations by William
Bartlett and Kathleen Elgin
c. 1957
Grosset & Dunlap
I Want To Be
a Pilot
by Carol Greene
c. 1957
Children's Press
A Crow I Know
Story and Pictures
by Wesley Dennis
c. 1957
The Viking Press
First Cadmus Edition
by E. M. Hale and Co., 1962
the Fox
by Geoffrey Chaucer
Adapted from the
Canterbury Tales
and Illustrated
by Barbara Cooney
*What Do You Say, Dear?
by Sesyle Joslin
by Maurice Sendak
c. 1958
W. R. Scott/
Addison-Wesley Pub. Co.
by Taro Yashima
c. 1958
The Viking Press
Eighth Printing
February 1969
Too Many Mittens
by Florence and
Louis Slobodkin
c. 1958
The Vanguard Press, Inc
Weekly Reader
Book Club Edition
The Night the Lights Went Out
by Don Freeman
c. 1958
The Viking Press
Sixth printing, 1968
Jo-Jo the
Talking Crow
Story and Pictures
by Laura Bannon
c. 1958
Houghton Mifflin Co.
1963 1st Cadmus Ed.
Wonderful Egg
by Dahlov Ipcar
c. 1958
Doubleday & Co.
Eloise at Christmastime
by Kat Thompson
Drawings by Hilary Knight
c. 1958
Simon and Schuster
Sir Henry
and the Dragon
Story and Pictures
by Paul D. Cretien, Jr.
c. 1958
Follett Publishing Co.
No Rose for
by Gene Zion
Pictures by Margaret Bloy Graham
c. 1958
Harper & Row Publishers
Book Club edition
Petunia Beware
by Roger Duvoisin
c. 1958
Alfred A. Knopf/
Random House
Three Little Horses
Blackey, Brownie and Whitey
By Piet Worm
c. 1958
Random House
The Dead Bird
Story by Margaret Wise Brown
Illustrated by Remy Charlipc. 1958
c. 1938 (text)
The Blue Ribbon Puppies
by Crockett Johnson
c. 1958
Harper & Row
The Man the Boy
and the Donkey
Retold by Katherine Evans
Illustrated by
the Author c.
Albert Whitman & Co.
The True Book
of Schools
by Benjamin Elkin
by Katherine Evans
c. 1958
Children's Press
Country Mailman
by Jerrold Beim
by Leonard Shortall
c. 1958
William Morrow and Co.
I Want To Be
a Storekeeper
by Carla Greene
by Frances Eckart
c. 1958
Children's Press
The Day the
Empire State
Went Visiting
by Helen R. Sattley
by Mary Stevens
c. 1958
Dodd, Mead & Co.
Motorcycle Dog
Written and Illustrated
by Jay Hyde Barnum
c. 1958
William Morrow and Co.
1st Cadmus Ed., 1963
The Story of
Holly and Ivy
by Rumer Godden
Illustrated by
Adrienne Adams
c. 1958
Harper & Row
The Faraway
A Story of the
Farallon Islands
by Edith Thatcher Hurd
by Clement Hurd
c. 1958
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard
Written and Illustrated
by Robert Bright
c. 1958
Doubleday & Co., Inc.
Farm Helpers
by Evelyn Payton
by Peter Ornstein
c. 1958
Melmont Publishers
Story and Pictures
by Tomi Ungerer
c. 1958
Harper & Row Publishers
Scholastic paperback
***Nine Days
to Christmas
A Story of Mexico
by Marie Hall Ets
and Aurora Labastida
Illustrated by Marie Hall Ets
c. 1959
Viking Press
*The Moon
by Janice May Udry
Pictures by
Maurice Sendak
c. 1959
Harper & Row
The Emperor and
the Nightingale
by Hans Christian Andersen
Drawings and Design
by Bill Sokol
c. 1959
Pantheon Books, Inc.
and the Gypsies
by Ludwig Bemelmans
c. 1959
The Viking Press
Paperback edition
The Plant Sitter
by Gene Zion
Pictures by
Margaret Bloy Graham
c. 1959
Harper & Row Publishers
A Little Old Man
by Natalie Norton
Pictures by
Will Huntington
c. 1959
Rand McNally & Co.
Book Club Edition
the Dorman
by Don Freeman
c. 1959
The Viking Press
The Little River
by Ann Rand
Pictures by
Feodor Rojankovsky
c. 1959
Harcourt, Brace and Co.
Stated 1st edition
Peter Piper's
by Marsha Brown
Charles Scribner's Sons
The Day Daddy
Stayed Home
by Ethel and Leonard Kessler
c. 1959
Doubleday & Co., Inc.
Which Witch
Story by Robert Lasson
Pictures by John Teppich
c. 1959
Partridge Press, Inc.
Timmy and the
Tin-Can Telephone
Franklyn M. Branley &
Eleanor K. Vaughan
Illustrated by Paul Galdone
c. 1959
Thomas Y. Crowell Co
The Blind Men
and the Elephant
Retold by Lillian Quigley
Illustrated by Janice Holland
c. 1959
Charles Scribner's Sons
the Dragon
by Ogden Nash
Pictures by Linell
c. 1959
Little, Brown and Co.
The Valentine Cat
by Clyde Robert Bulla
Illustrated by
Leonard Weisgard
c. 1959
Thomas Y. Crowell Co
Space Witch
by Don Freeman
c. 1959
The Viking Press
Apparent 1st edition
The Very
Nice Things
by Jean Merrill
and Ronnie Solbert
c. 1959
Harper & Brothers
Happy Birthday
To You
by Dr. Seuss
c. 1959
Random House
The Laughing Bird
by Anita Hewett
Pictures by
Anne Marie Jauss
c. 1959
Sterling Publishing Co., Inc
Little Dog Tim
by Elizabeth Laing Stewart
c. 1959
The Reilly & Lee Co.


Excuse Me!
by Louis Slobodkin
c. 1959
The Vanguard Press, Inc.
Apparent 1st edition
I Want To Be a
Ballet Dance
by Carla Greene
Design by Mary Gehr
c. 1959
Children's Press
A Trip To Paris
by Terry Shannon
Pictures by
Charles Payzant
c. 1959
Children's Press
Trick or Treat
by Louis Slobodkin
c. 1959



Birth of an Island
by Millicent E. Selsam
Illustrated by
Winifred Lubell
c. 1959
Harper & Row, Publishers
There Was Timmy!
by Sally Scott
Pictures by Beth Krush
c. 1959
Harcourt, Brace and Co.
I Would Like
To Be a Pony
by Dorothy W. Baruch
Pictures by Mary Chalmers
c. 1959
Harper & Row, Publishers
I Want To Be
a Mechanic
by Carla Greene
Design by Mary Gehr
c. 1959
Children's Press
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