1900 | 1900s | 1910s
| 1920s | 1930s | 1940s | 1950s | 1960s |
1970s | 1980s
| 1990s | 2000s
| 2010s
Board Books
| Easy Readers |
Golden Books | Other
Books | Story
Collections | Magazines
My main interest is to show the progression of the
illustration styles over time. For that reason, I have sorted by
the copyright date of the interior illustrations in the copy
displayed, not by the number assigned the title. The number
below each book indicates the number first given to that title.
Further information about which printing or edition is shown, or
details about changes made, are noted as known. For
a list of my books in order by the number assigned to the title,
click here.
Click on image to see sample pages,
as well as further information on selected books.




#594 |
by Patricia Scarry
Pictures by J. P. Miller
c. 1970
Western Publishing Co.
3rd Printing, 1974,
24 pages
by Diane Fox Downs
by Lillian Obligado
c. 1970
Western Publishing Co.
G Edition ((#302-54),
24 pages
Old Mother Hubbard
by Aurelius Battaglia
c. 1970
Western Publishing Co.
G Printing (# 300-42),
24 pages
1 2 3 Juggle With Me!
A Counting Book
by Ilse-Margret Vogel
c. 1970
Western Publishing
2nd printing, 1972, 24 pages




The Magic Next Door
by Evelyn Swetnam
by Judy Stang
c. 1971
Western Publishing Co.
1st edition, 24 pages
My Home
by Renee Bartowski
Illustrated by ROFry
c. 1971
Western Publishing Co.
10th Printing 1981
Bugs Bunny's
Carrot Machine
by Clark Carlisle
Illustrated by Anthony Strobl
and Bob Totten
c. 1971
Western Publishing
C printing, 24 pages
Sesame Street
The Together Book
Written by Revena Dwight
Illustrated by Roger Bradfield
c. 1971
Children's Television Network
14th, 1979 (#108-3)
24 pages



#D106//100-06 |
My Little Dinosaur
Written and Illustrated
by Ilse-Margaret Vogel
c. 1971
Edition Uncertain
(cover page missing),
24 pages
Lassie and the
Big Clean-up
by Kennon Graham
Illustrated by Bob Schaar
c. 1971
Western Publishing Co.
G printing #301-34,
24 pages
Walt Disney's
Surprise for
Mickey Mouse
c. 1971
Western Publising
2nd Printing, 1972, 24 pages



Little Red
Riding Hood
as told by Mabel Watts
Illustrated by Less Gray
c. 1972
Western Publishing Co.
11th Printing, 1980
(#309-21), 24 pages
Raggedy Ann and
the Cookie Snatcher
by Barbara Shook Hazen
Illustrated by June Goldsborough
c. 1972
Western Publishing Co.
1st edition, 24 pages
Forest Hotel
A Counting Story
by Barbara Steincrohn Davis
Illustrated by Benvenuti
c. 1972
Western Publishing Co.
Apparent 1st, 24 pages



#438 |

Let's Go, Trucks
by David L. Harrison
Illustrated by Bill Dugan
c. 1973
Western Publishing Co.
I printing (#310-42),
24 pages
Raggedy Ann
and Andy
and the Rainy Day Circus
by Barbara Shook Hazen
Illustrated by
June Goldborough c. 1973
Western Publishing Co.
P Printing (#107-42)
The Little Red Hen
As told by Evelyn M. Begley
Illustrated by
Carl and Mary Hauge
c. 1973
Western Publishing
1st printing, 24 pages
The Neatos and
the Litterbugs
by Norah Samridge
Illustrated by Charles Bracke
c. 1973
Western Publishing Co.
2nd printing, 1975,
24 pages




Chicken Little
Retold by Stella Williams Nathan
Illustrated by June Goldsborough
c. 1973
Western Publishing Co.
1st edition, 24 pages
The Three
Little Pigs
as told by Elizabeth Ross
Illustrated by ROFry
c. 1973
Western Publishing Co.
6th Printing, 1978,
24 pages
Jack and the Beanstalk
Retold by Stella Williams Nathan
Illustrated by Dora Leder
c. 1973
Western Publishing Co.
9th Printing, 1981
(#307-33), 24 pages
Robin Hood
Based on the
Walt Disney
motion picture
c. 1973
Walt Disney Productions/
Western Publishing Co.
1st Edition, 24 pages




# 116
Daisy Dog's
Wake-Up Book
Written and Illustrated
by Ilse-Margaret Vogel
c. 1974
Western Publishing Co.
First edition, 24 pages
Goes Home
by Katie Emery Pogue
Illustrated by
Sally Augustiny
c. 1974
Western Publishing Co.
First edition, 24 pages
ABC is for Christmas
by Jane Werner Watson
by Sally Augustiny
c. 1974
Western Publishing Co.
J printing, #454-31,
24 pages
Where Did the
Baby Go?
by Sheila Hayes
by Eloise Wilkin c. 1974
Western Publishing Co.
7th printing, 1979 (#209-2),
24 pages




The Bouncy Baby
Bunny Finds His Bed
by Joan Bowden
by Christine Westerberg
c. 1974
Western Publishing Co.
3rd Printing 1979,
24 pages
Mother Goose
in the City
Illustrated by Dora Leder
c. 1974
Western Publishing
5th printing, 1979, #300-3
The Road Runner
A Very Scary Lesson
by Russell K. Schroeder
Illustrated by Phil DeLara
and Bob Totten
c. 1974
Western Publishing
First Edition, 24 pages
Donald Duck and
the Witch Next Door
c. 1974
Walt Disney Productions
2nd Printing 1974,
24 pages




Robin Hood and
the Daring Mouse
Based on the
Walt Disney motion picture
c. 1974
Walt Disney Productions
2nd Printing 1974,
24 pages
Walt Disney's
Mickey Mouse
and the Great Lot Plot
c. 1974
Western Publishing
P Printing, 24 pages
The Pet in
the Jar
Story and Picture
by Judy Stang
c. 1974
Western Publishing Co.
First Edition, 24 pages
Eager Reader
A Hat for the Queen
Story by Joan Chase Bacon
Pictures by Olindo Giacomini
c. 1974
Western Publishing
First Edition





Pano the Train
by Sharon Holaves
Illustrated by Gannini
c. 1975
Western Publishing Co.
7th Printing 1981,
24 pages
The Wizard of Oz
retold by Mary Carey
illustrated by
Don Turner/Jason Studios
Based on the
Wonderful Wizard of Oz
by L. Frank Baum
c. 1975
Western Publishing Co.
H Printing (#310-32),
24 pages
Oscar's Book
by Jeffrey Moss
Pictures by Michael Gross
c. 1975
Western Publishing
7th printing, 1978
24 pages
Raggedy Ann
and Andy
The Little Gray Kitten
by Polly Curren
illustrated by June Goldsborough
c. 1975
Western Publishing Co.
4th Printing 1978,
24 pages
Tweety Plays
Catch the Puddy Tat
by Eileen Daly
Illustrated by Peter Alvardo
and William Lorencz
c. 1975
Western Publishing Co.
5th Print, 1981
(#111-24), 24 pages





Tweety Plays
Catch the Puddy Tat
by Eileen Daly
Illustrated by Peter Alvardo
and William Lorencz
c. 1975
Western Publishing Co.
Y Printing, Cover change, 1990
(#111-51), 24 pages
The New Baby
by Ruth and Harold Shane
Illustrated by Eloise Wilkin
c. 1975
Western Publishing
2nd edition, 24 pages
with updated illustrations
(See also 1948 First edition
with original illustrations
by same illustrator)
Old MacDonald
Had a Farm
Illustrated by
Carl and Mary Hauge
c. 1975
Western Publishing
F printing, 24 pages
Friends of the
c. 1975
Walt Disney
4th Printing, 1977
24 pages
Bear's Surprise Party
Story by Joan Bowden
Pictures by Jerry Scott
c. 1975
Western Publishing Co.
First edition, 24 pages



My Christmas
Compiled by Gale Wiersum
Illustrated by Sylvia Emrich
c. 1976
Western Publishing Co.
First Edition, 24 page
The Ginghams
The Backward Picnic
Story by Joan Chase Bowden
Illustrated by Jo Anne E. Koenig
c. 1976
Western Publishing Co.
#311-7 24 pages
Bugs Bunny
Too Many Carrots
by Jean Lewis
Illustrated by
Peter Alvarado and Bob Totten
c. 1976
Western Publishing
#110-64, 1990, A printing
24 pages



Porky Pig and Bugs Bunny
Just Like Magic
by Stella Williams Nathan
Illustrated by Bob Totten
and Tom McKimson
c. 1976
Western Publishing
#110-65, 1990, 24 pages
by Laura French
Expanded by Diane Muldrow
Illustrated by Patti Gay
c. 1976
Western Publishing
1996, 24 pages
Walt Disney's
Mickey Mouse
The Kitten Sitters
c. 1976
Western Publishing
P Edition, 24 pages





Jesus Lived
by Jane Werner Watson
Illustrated by Ronald LeHew
c. 1977
Western Publishing Co.
2nd Printing, 1978,
24 pages
The Animals
Christmas Eve
by Gale Wiersum
Illustrated by Jim Robison
c. 1977
Western Publishing
E printing, #456-31
24 pages
Big Bird's
Red Book
Written by Rosanne and
Jonathan Cerf
by Michael J.
c. 1977
Children's Television
Western Publishing Co.
#108-42, 24 pages
Cookie Monster
and the Cookie
By David Koor
Illustrated by Joe Mathieu
C. 1977
Children's Television Network
T prinitng #109-42
Bugs Bunny,
by Fern G. Brown
Illustrated by Darrell Baker
c. 1977
Warner Brothers/
Western Publishing Co.
2nd Printing, 1978,
24 pages





# D136
What Lily
Goose Found
by Annabelle Sumera
by Lorinda Bryan Cauley
c. 1977
Western Publishing Co.
3rd Printing 1979
#470-1, 24 pages
The Rabbit's
by Betty Ren Wright
Illustrated by Maggie Swanson
c. 1977
Western Publishing Co.
E printing # 471-31,
24 pages
Walt Disney
Productions edition
The Rescuers
c. 1977
Walt Disney Productions
3rd Printing 1979,
24 pages
The Fairy Princess
by Anne Foster
Illustrated by
Jim Robison and Fred Irvin
c. 1977
Western Publishing
C printing, 24 pages
Walt Disney's
Mickey Mouse and
Best-Neighbor Contest
Illustrated by
Walt Disney Studios
c. 1977
Western Publishing




The Big Enough Helper
by Nancy Hall
Illustrated by Tom O'Sullivan
c. 1978
Western Publishing Co.
I Printing (#208-51),
24 pages
Fastest Dog in the West
by Gina Ingoglia
Illustrated by Werner Willis
c. 1978
Mulberry Square Productions
D printing #111-36,
24 pages
The Circus is in Town
A Counting Book
by David L. Harrison
Illustrated by Larry Ross
c. 1978
Western Publishing Co.
F Printing #203-43,
24 pages
The Rabbit is Next
by Gladys Leithauser and
Lois Breitmeyer
Illustrated by Linda Powell
c. 1978
Western Publishing Co.
First edition, 24 pages




Where Will All
the Animals Go?
by Sharon Holaves
Illustrated by Leigh Grant
c. 1978
Western Publishing
E printing, # 206-43, 24 pages
Mickey Mouse
and Goofy
The Big Bear
c. 1978
Walt Disney Productions
I Printing #100-44,
24 pages
Donald Duck and
the One Bear
c. 1978
Walt Disney Productions
4th, 1980, #102-3
24 pages
Donald Duck
Instant Millionaire
c. 1978
Walt Disney Productions
L Printing #102-44
24 pages

#500 |


Buck Rogers and
the Children of Hopetown
by Ravena Dwight
Illustrated by
Kurt Schaffebberger
c. 1979
Western Publishing
24 pages
The Black Hole
A Spaceship Adventure
for Robots
c. 1979
Illustrated by
Walt Disney Studios
First Edition, 24 pages
Raggedy Ann
and Andy
Five Birthday
Parties in
a Row
by Eileen Daly
Illustrated by Mary S. McClain
c. 1979
The Bobbs-Merrill Co.
First edition, 24 pages



The Four Seasons
Tony Geiss
Illustrated by Tom Cooke
c. 1979
Western Publishing Co.
1991 printing (108-26)
24 pages
What Will I Be?
by Kathleen Krull Cowles
Illustrated by Eulala Conner
c. 1979
Western Publishing Co.
C edition (#206-33)
24 pages
The Giant Who
Wanted Company
by Lee Priestly
Illustrated by Dennis Hockerman
c. 1979
Western Publishing Co.
C Printing, (#209-42)
24 pages
(Golden Books Con't)
1950s 1960s
1970s 1980s
1990s 2000s
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