| 1900s | 1910s
| 1920s | 1930s | 1940s | 1950s | 1960s |
1970s | 1980s
| 1990s | 2000s
| 2010s
Board Books
| Easy Readers |
Golden Books | Other
Books | Story
Collections | Magazines
My main interest is to show the progression of the
illustration styles over time. For that reason, I have sorted by
the copyright date of the interior illustrations in the copy
displayed, not by the number assigned the title. The number
below each book indicates the number first given to that title.
Further information about which printing or edition is shown, or
details about changes made, are noted as known.
a list of my books in order by the number assigned to the title,
click here.
Click on image to see sample pages,
as well as further information on selected books.




# 79

The Jolly Barnyard
by Annie North Bedford
Pictures by Tibor Gergely
Western Publishing
13th printing, 1976
24 pages
The Wonderful House
by Margaret Wise Brown
Pictures by J. P. Miller
c. 1950
Simon and Schuster
A printing, 42 pages
The Happy Man and
His Dump Truck
by Miryam
Pictures by Tibor Gergely
c. 1950
Simon and Schuster
C printing, 28 pages
The Little Trapper
by Kathryn and Byron Jackson
Pictures by Gustaf Tenggren
c. 1950
Simon and Schuster
A printing, 42 pages
Coming Soon
Baby's House
by Gerolo McHugh
Illustrated by Mary Blairc. 1950
Simon and Schuster/
Random House
2010 edition, 24 pages

#88 |



A Day at the Zoo
by Marion Conger
Pictures by Tibor Gergely
c. 1950
by Simon and Schuster
Apparent 1st edition
42 pages
The Little Fat Policeman
by Margaret Wise Brown
and Edith Thacher Hurd
Pictures by Alice
and Martin Provensen
c. 1950
Simon and Schuster
A printing, 42 pages
I Can Fly
by Ruth Kraus
Pictures by Mary Blair
c. 1950
Simon & Schuster
First "A" edition, 42 pages
Jerry at School
by Kathryn and Byron Jackson
by Corinne Malvern
c. 1950
Simon and Schuster
1st edition, D printing,
28 pages




Little Benny
Wanted a Pony
by Oliver O'Connor Barrett
Pictures by Richard Scarry
Simon and Schuster
1st edition, 42 pages
Bugs Bunny's
by Warner Bros.
Pictures by Warner
Bros. Cartoons
c. 1950
Simon and Schuster
A Printing, 28 pages
Howdy Doody's Circus
by Edward Keane
Pictures by Liz Dauber
and Dan Gormley
Simon and Schuster
A printing, 28 pages
Little Boy with a
Big Horn
by Jack Bechdolt
Pictures by Aurelius Battaglia
c. 1950
Simon and Schuster
A Printing, 42 pages




Dr. Dan
the Bandage Man
by Helen Gaspard
pictures by Corinne Malvern
c. 1950
Simon and Schuster
A Printing, 28 pages
Funny Bunny
by Rachel Learnard
Illustrated by
Alice and Martin Provensen
c. 1950
Western Publishing Co.
renewed 1978, A printing,
24 pages
Illustrations by the Walt Disney Studio
Adapted by Campbell Grant
c. 1950
Simon and Schuster
1st edition, 28 pages
Coming Soon
Donald Duck's Adventure
Told by Annie North Bedford
Illustrations by
the Walt Disney Studio
Adapted by Campbell Grant
c. 1950
Golden Books/
Simon and Schuster
Reissued in the Mickey Mouse Club
book series in 1958
E printing, 28 pages





Mickey Mouse's
by Jane Werner
Illustrated and adapted
by Walt Disney Studios
c. 1950
Walt Disney Productions
B Printing, 28 pages.
First Cover
Mickey Mouse's
by Jane Werner
Illustrated and adapted
by Walt Disney Studios
c. 1950
Walt Disney Productions
1965 edition (#100-5),
24 pages., second cover
Santa's Toy Shop
by The Walt Disney Studio
Adapted by Al Dempster
c. 1950
Western Publishing Co.
18th printing, 1976,
24 pages
Coming Soon
Donald Duck's
Toy Train
Told by Jane Werner
Pictures by the Walt Disney Studio
Adapted by Dick Kelsey and Bill Justice from the motion picture
"Out of Scale"
c. 1950
Western Publishing
1972 printing, 24 pages
Coming Soon
Gerald McBoing Boing
Based on the 1950 animated
short film by Dr. Seuss
c. 1950 (illustrations.)
Simon and Schuster
(Book c. 2000
by Random House
24 pages)





#112 |
The Little
Golden ABC
by Cornelius DeWitt
c. 1951
Western Publishing
Copyright renewed 1979,
24 pages
Christopher and
the Columbus
by Kathryn and Byron Jackson
Pictures by Tibor Gergely
c. 1951
Simon and Schuster
1st edition, B printing,
28 pages
Little Lost
by Nina
Illustrated by Feodor Rojankovsky
c. 1951
Western Publishing Co.
1979/1987 edition
#302-56, 24 pages
Two Little Gardeners
by Margaret Wise Brown
and Edith Thatcher Hurd
Illus. by Gertrude Elliot
c. 1951
Simon and Schuster
A Printing, 28 pages
Albert's Zoo
A Stencil Book
by Jane Werner
Pictures by Richard Scarry
c. 1951
Simon and Schuster
A printing, 28 pages





Coming Soon
The Little Golden
Paper Dolls
by Hilda Miloche
and Wilma Kane
c. 1951
Simon and Schuster
by Kathryn Jackson
by Leonard Weisgard
c. 1951
Simon and Schuster
1st edition, A printing,
28 pages
Tom and Jerry
Story and pictures
by MGM
Pictures adapted
by Don Maclaughkin
and Harvey Eisenberg
Simon and Schuster
A Printing, 14 pages
The Train to
by Margaret Wise Brown
Pictures by Art Seiden
c. 1951
Western Publishing Company
Renewed 1979, 24 pages
A Day At the Playground
by Miriam Schlein
Pictures by Eloise Wilkin
c. 1951
Simon and Schuster
A Printing, 28 pages





#143 |
Robert and His
New Friends
by Nina Schneider
by Corinne Malvern
c. 1951
Simon and Schuster
A printing, 28 pages
by Ruth Mabee Lachman
Illustrated by
Lenora and Herbert Combes
c. 1951
Western Publishing Co.
edition uncertain, 24 pages
Frosty the
Retold by
Annie North Bedford
Pictures by Connie Malvern
c. 1951
Hill and Range Songs, Inc.
Simon and Schuster
A Printing, 28 pages
Frosty the Snowman
Annie North Bedford
Pictures by Connie Malvern
c. 1951
Hill and Range, Inc.
Western Publishing Co.
#451-31, 33rd printing, 1981
24 pages,
2nd Cover (c. 1972)
Coming Soon
Here Comes the Parade
by Kathryn Jackson
Pictures by Richard Scarry
c. 1951
Simon and Schuster
A printing, 28 pages





Pussy Willow
by Margaret Wise Brown
Pictures by Leonard Weisgard
c. 1951
Western Publishing
B Printing, 24 pages
Cars and Trucks
Pictures by Richard Scary
c. 1951
1959 edition by
Western Publishing
5th printing, 1971,
24 pages
The Little Golden
Fire Engine Book
(inside title)
With pictures
by Tibor Gergely
c. 1951, 1959
Western Publishing Co.,
Q printing, 24 pages
Alice in Wonderland
Meets the White Rabbit
Retold by Jane Werner
Pictures by
the Walt Disney Studio
c. 1951
Walt Disney Productions
4th Printing 1975,
24 pages
Grandpa Bunny
Told by Jane Werner
Illustrations by
the Walt Disney Studio
c 1951
Simon and Schuster
First edition, "A",
28 pages





The Gingerbread
A Story from Mary Poppins
by P. L. Travers
Pictures by Gertrude Elliot
c. 1952
Simon and Schuster
A printing, 28 pages
Mister Dog
by Margaret Wise Brown
Picture by Garth Williams
c. 1952
Western Publishing Company
D printing (#204-37),
24 pages
Seven Little Postmen
by Margaret Wise Brown
and Edith Thatcher Hurd
Pictures by Tibor Gergely
c. 1952
Western Publishing Co.
1962 edit (#504)
4th Printing, 1971
Coming Soon
Howdy Dowdy
and the Princess
by Edward Kean
Pictures by Art Seiden
c. 1952
Simon and Schuster
A Printing, 28 pages
Bugs Bunny
Gets a Job
Told by
Annie North Bedford
Warner Bros. Cartoons
Simon and Schuster
A printing, 28 pages




Tawny Scrawny
by Kathryn Jackson
by Gustaf Tenggren
Western Publishing Co.
18th Edition, #201-43,
24 pages
Woody Woodpecker
by Walter Lantz
Pictures by the
Walter Lantz Studio
Adapted by Riley Thomson
Story by Annie North Bedford
c. 1952
Simon and Schuster
A Printing, 28 pages
The Christmas
Told by Jane Warner
by Eloise Wilkins
c. 1952
Western Publishing Co.
7th printing, 1971
24 pages
Prayers for Children
by Eloise Wilkin
c. 1952
Golden Press
A Printing, 28 pages




Baby Animals
by Garth Williams
c. 1952, 1956
Western Publishing Co.
28th printing, 1982,
24 pages
Peter Pan and Wendy
Told by Annie North Bedford
Illustrations by Walt Disney Studio
Adapted by Eyvind Earle
c. 1952
Simon and Schuster
A Printing, 28 pages
Peter Pan and Wendy
Told by Annie North Bedford
Illustrations by
Walt Disney Studio
Adapted by Eyvind Earle
c. 1952
Golden Press/
Western Publishing
29th printing, 1982, 24 pages
Donald Duck and
Santa Claus
Told by Annie North Bedford Illustrations
The Walt Disney Studio
Adapted by Al Dempster
c. 1952
Golden Press
E printing, (1st cover)
24 pages


#156 |



Coming Soon
by Hans Christian Anderson
by Gustaf Tenggren
c. 1953 (Illus.)
Western Publishing
2nd cover, #514, 1963
# 300-55, 24 pages
The Sailor Dog
by Margaret Wise Brown
Pictures by Garth Williams
Golden Press
R printing, 1992,
#312-08, 24 pages
Danny Beaver's
by Patsy Scarry
Pictures by Richard Scarry
Simon and Schuster
A printing, 28 pages
The Little Red Caboose
Story by Marian Potter
Pictures by Tibor Gergely
c. 1953
Western Publishing Co.
1979 edition, #306-2,
24 pages
by Louise Woodcock
Pictures by Eloise Wilkin
c. 1953
Simon and Schuster
A printing, 28 pages




#172 |
The Very Best Home
For Me
by Jane Werner Watson
Pictures by Garth Williams
c. 1953
Western Publishing Co.
1981 edition (#304-25),
2nd printing, 24 pages
Rabbit and
His Friends
Story and Pictures
by Richard Scarry
c. 1953
Western Publishing C.
2nd printing, 1973,
24 pages
The Merry
by Georges Duplaix
Pictures by Tibor Gergely
c. 1953
Simon and Schuster
A printing, 28 pages
Howdy Doody
in Funland
by Edward Keane
Pictures by Art Seiden
c. 1953
Simon and Schuster
A Printing, 28 pages.




#211 (200-52)

Bible Stories
of Boys and Girls
Retold by Jane Werner
Pictures by
Rachel Taft Dixon
and Marjorie Hartwell
c. 1953
Simon and Schuster
A Printing, 28 pages
The Brave
Little Taylor
Pictures by J. P. Miller
c. 1953
Western Publishing Co.
2nd Printing, 1972,
24 pages
by Janet Frank
Pictures by Tibor Gergely
c. 1953
Simon and Schuster
1st edition, A printing,
28 pages
The Animals of
Farmer Jones
by Leah Gale
by Richard Scarry
c. 1953
Western Publishing Co.
1970 Edition (#200-52),
24 pages
(Click on image for
further info)
Baby Farm
Written and illustrated
by Garth Williams
c. 1953/1958
Simon & Schuster
2003 classic ed.
24 pages





Debbie and
Her Nap
by Miss Francis
(Dr. Frances R. Horwich and
Reinald Werrenath, Jr.)
Illustrations by Adele Wehr
A Ding Dong School Book
Rand McNally, 28 pages
I Decided
by Miss Francis
(Dr. Frances R. Horwich and
Reinald Werrenath, Jr.)
Illustrations by Marge Opitz
A Ding Dong School Book
Rand McNally, 28 pages
Coming Soon
Dressing Up
by Miss Francis
(Dr. Frances R. Horwich and
Reinald Werrenath, Jr.)
Illustrations by Katherine Evans
c. 1953
A Ding Dong School Book
Rand McNally, 28 pages
Chip and Dale
at the Zoo
Told by Annie North Bedford
by the Walt Disney Studio
Adapted by Bill Bosche
Simon and Schuster
A printing, 28 pages
Coming Soon
Mickey Mouse
and Pluto Pup
Told by Elizabeth Beecher
Pictures by the Walt Disney Studio
Adapted by Campbell Grant
c. 1953
Golden Press
9th printing, 1971,
24 pages

#192 |

#198 |



Adapted from the original
story by Johanna Spyri
Pictures by
Corinne Malvern
Western Publishing Co.
1st Edition, A printing,
24 page
First Bible Stories
Retold by Jane Werner
by Eloise Wilkin
c. 1953
Simon and Schuster
A Printing, 28 pages.
The Friendly Book
by Margaret Wise Brown
Pictures by Garth Williams
c. 1954
Western Publishing Co.
4th Printing, 1974 (#592),
24 pages
Little Gray
by Alice Lunt
by Tibor Gergely c. 1954
Simon and Schuster
1st edition, A printing,
28 pages
Open Up
My Suitcase
by Alice Low
Pictures by
Corinne Malvern
c. 1954
Simon and Schuster
A Printing, 28 pages




#209/296 |
My Big Brother
by Miss Frances
by Mina Grow McLean
c. 1954
A Ding Dong School Book
Rand McNally, 28 pages
Hansel and Gretel
by Jacob and William Grimm
Illustrated by Eloise Wilkin
c. 1954 (interior)
c. 1953 (Cover)
Western Publishing Co.
27th printing 1980
(#308-2), 24 pages
Coming Soon
The Little
Red Hen
by J. P. Miller
Cover by J.P. Miller
c. 1954
Golden Press
(Cover modified for this
2002 "Classic" edition
24 pages
The Little
Red Hen
by J. P. Miller
Cover by Rudolf
c. 1954/1957
Golden Press
F printing, 24 pages




The Little Engine
That Could
Retold by Watty Piper
Illustrated by George
and Doris Hauman
c. 1954
Western Publishing/
The Platt and Munk Co.
10th Printing, 1978,
24 pages
Ben and Me
Based on the Book
by Robert Lawson
Pictures by
the Walt Disney Studio
c. 1954
Simon and Schuster
A printing, 28 pages
Donald Duck's
Toy Sailboat
Told by Annie North Bedford
Pictures by the
Walt Disney Studio
Adapted by Samuel Armstrong
from the motion picture
"Chips Ahoy"
c. 1954
Western publishing
22nd Printing, 1980
#102-21, 24 pages
Illustrated by
Walt Disney Studio
Adapted by Samuel Armstrong
c. 1954
Western Publishing/
Walt Disney Productions
15th printing,
1981 (#105-35), 24 pages




The Bunny Book
by Patsy Scarry
by Richard Scarry
c. 1955
Western Publishing Co.
10th Printing, 1980
(#473-21), 24 pages
Coming Soon
Jingle Bell Jack
by Miss Francis
(Dr. Frances R. Horwich and
Reinald Werrenath, Jr.)
Illustrations by Katherine Evans
c. 1953
A Ding Dong School Book
Rand McNally, 28 pages
Mr. Meyer's
by Miss Francis
(Dr. Frances R. Horwich)
Illustrations by William Neebe
c. 1955/1959
A Ding Dong School Book
Golden Press, 24 pages
The Magic Wagon
by Miss Francis
(Dr. Frances R. Horwich)
Illustrated by
Elizabeth Webbe
c. 1955
Golden Press
A Printing, 24 pages


#225 |


the Bear
by Jane Werner
Pictures by
Richard Scarry
c. 1955
Simon and Schuster
A printing, 28 pages
Coming Soon
We Love Grandpa
by Miss Francis
(Dr. Frances R. Horwich and
Reinald Werrenath, Jr.)
Illustrations by Dorothy Grider
c. 1955
A Ding Dong School Book
Golden Press, 24 pages
My Puppy
by Patsy Scarry
Pictures by Eloise Wilkin
c. 1955
Western Publishing
6th printing, 1973,
24 pages
Tom and Jerry's
Told by Steffi Fletcher
Pictures by MGM Cartoons
c. 1955
Western Publishing Co.
F Printing, 24 pages



D45 |

Howdy Doody
and Santa Claus
by Edward Kean
Pictures by Art Seiden
Simon and Schuster
A printing, 28 pages
What They Look Like
What They Do
by Mary Reed and Edith Osswald
Pictures by Violet LaMont
c. 1955
Golden Press
J Printing, 24 pages
Coming Soon
Davy Crockett
King of the Wild Frontier
Told by Irwin Shapiro
Pictures by
The Walt Disney Studio
c. 1955
Simon and Schuster
B Printing, 28 pages
Bird Stamps
by Kathleen N. Daly
Drawing and Stamps
by James Gordon Irving
c.1949, 1955
Simon and Schuster
B Printing, 20 Pages





Buffalo Bill
by Gladys Wyatt
by Hamilton Greene
c. 1956
Simon and Shuster/
Flying A Productions
First Edition A printing,
24 pages
Shows the Way
by Monica Hill
Pictures by Lee Ames
Simon and Schuster
A printing, 24 pages
My Little Golden
About God
by Jane Werner Watson
Pictures by Eloise Wilkins
Simon and Schuster
First Edition, A printing
Rin Tin Tin
and the Lost Indian
by Monica Hill
Hamilton Greene
c. 1956
Simon and Schuster
A Printing, 24 pages.
Home for a
by Margaret Wise Brown
Pictures by
Garth Williams
c. 1956
Western Publishing Co.
1961 edition, 24 pages




My First
Counting Book
by Lillian Moore
Pictures by Garth Williams
c. 1956, 1957
Western Publishing
# 203-63, 1995 edition
Mickey Mouse Flies
the Christmas Mail
Told by Annie North Bedford
Pictures by the Walt Disney Studio
Adapted by Julius Svendsen
and Neil Boyle
Simon & Schuster
A printing, 24 pages
Mickey Mouse and
the Missing Mouseketeers
Told by Annie North Bedford
Pictures by
Walt Disney Studio
Adapted by Julius Svensen
and Bob Totten
c. 1956
Walt Disney Productions/
Western Publishing
5th printing, 1979
My Daddy is
a Policeman
by Miss Francis
(Dr. Francis Horwich)
Illustrated by Helen Prickett
c. 1956
Rand McNally & Company
1st edition, 28 pages



#286 |

Captain Kangaroo
and the Panda
by Kathleen N. Daly
Pictures by Edwin Schmidt c.1957
Simon and Schuster
A printing, 24 pages
How To Tell Time
Jane Werner Watson Pictures by Eleanor Dart
c. 1957
Simon and Schuster
A Printing, 26 pages
Coming Soon
by Kathleen Irwin
Pictures by Mel Crawford
c. 1957
Simon and Schuster
A printing, 24 pages
A Child's Garden
of Verses
by Robert Louis Stevenson
Selected and Illustrated
by Eloise Wilkin
c. 1957
Golden Press
1st edition, B printing (1962), #493, new cover,
24 pages




and the Outlaw
by Charles Spain Verral
Pictures by Mel Crawford
c. 1957
Simon and Schuster
A printing, 24 pages
Coming Soon
The White Bunny
and His Magic Nose
by Lily Duplaix
by Feodor Rojankovsky
c. 1957 (Illus.)
1945 (story)
Western Publishing
D Printing, 24 pages
Four Little Kittens
by Kathleen M. Daly
Pictures by
Adriana Mazza Saviozzi
c. 1957
Western Publishing Co.
8th Printing, 1976,
24 pages
Coming Soon
Quatre petits chats
Par K. Daly
Illustrations de A. Saviozzi
c. 1957
editions des deux coqs d'or
Simon & Schuster/
Western Pub., 24 pages


#D64 |

Bunnies ABC
by Garth Williams
c. 1957, 1954
Western Publishing
1987 edition # 202-56
Paul Revere
By Irwin Shapiro
Pictures by
the Walt Disney Studio
Adapted by Paul Luhrs
Walt Disney Productions
3rd printing, 1976,
24 pages
Farm Stamps
by Kathryn Jackson
Drawings by
Adriana Mazza Saviozzi
Simon and Schuster
First Edition




by Jane Werner Watson
Pictures by Eloise Wilkin
c. 1958
Western Publishing Co.
9th Printing, 1977,
24 pages
Bedtime Stories
by Garth WIlliams
c. 1958
Western Publishing Co.
18th printing, 1981,
24 pages
The Tale of
Peter Rabbit
by Beatrix Potter
Pictures by
Adriana Mazza Saviozzi
c. 1958
Western Publishing Co.
B printing, #505, 1962
price change to 29c
24 pages
Tale of
Peter Rabbit
by Beatrix Potter
Pictures by
Adriana Mazza Saviozzi c.
Western Publishing Co.
F printing, #505, 1970,
24 pages




by Seymour Reit
Pictures by
E. Joseph Dreany
c. 1958
Simon and Schuster/
Columbia Broadcasting System
"A" edition, 24 pages
Rudolph the
by Barbara Shook Hazen
Adapted from the story
by Robert L. May
Pictures by
Richard Scarry
c. 1958
Western Publishing Co.
1991 printing (#452-9), 24 pages
Wild Animal
From all Over the World
by Kathleen N. Daly
by Feodor Rojankovsky
c. 1958
Golden Press/
Western Publishing
5th printing, 1972, 24 pages
Walt Disney's
Scamp's Adventure
by Annie North Bedford
Pictures by
the Walt Disney Studio
c. 1958
Golden Press
C printing, 28 pages



#D77 |
Adapted from the
Walt Disney
Television Series
characters created
by Johnston McCulley
Adapted by
Charles Spain Verral
Pictures by John Steel
c. 1958
Simon and Schuster
A Printing, 24 pages
Coming Soon
Walt Disney's
Sleeping Beauty
and the Good Fairies
Story by Dorothy Streeb
and Annie North Bedford
Pictures by the
Walt Disney Studio
Adapted by Julius Svensen and
C. W. Satterfield
c. 1958
Simon and Schuster
A Printing, 12 pages
Coming Soon
and the Secret Plan
Told by Charles Spain Verral
Pictures by
Hamilton Greene
c. 1958
Golden Press
B Printing, 24 pages





by Jane Werner Watson
Pictures by
William de J. Rutherfoord
c. 1959
Golden Press
1st edition, B printing,
24 pages
Baby's First Book
by Garth Williams
c. 1959
Golden Press
A printing, 24 pages
Baby's Christmas
by Esther Wilkin
Illustrated by
Eloise Wilkin
c. 1959
Western Publishing Co.
B Edition, #460-08 (1988)
24 pages
Coming Soon
Little Golden
Picture Dictionary
by Nancy Fielding Hulick
Pictures by Tibor Gergely
c. 1959
Golden Press
39th Printing, 24 pages
The New Puppy
by Kathleen N. Daly
Pictures by Lilian Obligado
c. 1959
Western Publishing Co.
7th Printing, 1979,
24 pages



Coming Soon
The New Puppy
by Kathleen N. Daly
Pictures by Lilian Obligado
c. 1959
Western Publishing Co.
1969 edition, # 303-55
2nd cover,
24 pages
Woody Woodpecker
Drawing Fun for Beginners
by Carl Buettner
Pictures by
Harvey Eisenberg and
Norman McGary
c. 1959
Golden Press
A printing
24 pages
by Ruth Mabee Lachman
Pictures by
Steele Savage
c. 1959 (illust.)
c. 1953 (Text)
Golden Press
A printing, (2nd ilustrator)
24 pages





Coming Soon
My Magic Slate Book
by Carl Memling
Pictures by Bill Dugan
"A Giant Little Golden Book"
c. 1959
Golden Press
A Printing, 24 pages
The Blue Book of
Fairy Tales
Three Stories with Pictures
by Gordon Laite
c. 1959
Western Publishing Company
B printing 24 pages
Coming Soon
My Little
Golden Book
of Fairy Tales
Previously titled
The Blue Book of Fairy Tales
Three Stories
by Gordon Laite
c. 1959
Western Publishing Company
# 211-62 (1990)
B printing 24 pages
Ruff and Reddy
by Ann McGovern
Pictures by
Harvey Eisenberg
and Al White
c. 1959
Hanna-Barbera Productions
1st edition, 24 pages
Dennis the Menace
and Ruff
by Carl Memling
Pictures by
Hawley Pratt and Lee Holley
Golden Press
E Printing, 24 pages
(Golden Books Con't)
1950s 1960s
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1990s 2000s
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