#804 |

#819 |

#829 |

#830 |
Three Little Pigs
Illustrated by
Carl Emil Wehde
c. 1938
McLoughlin Brothers, Inc
Baby's Prayer
at Twilight
Written and Illustrated
by Priscilla Pointer
c. 1939
McLoughlin Brothers, Inc
Puppy Tales
Color Illustrations by
Philip B. Parsons
c. 1940
McLoughlin Brothers, Inc
Danny's Secret
Color Illustrations by
Sarah De Frehn
c. 1940
McLoughlin Brothers, Inc

#831 |

#832 |

#834 |

#838 |
Peggy's Pokey
and Other Stories
About Pets
Illustrations in Color
by Corinne Malvern
c. 1940
McLoughlin Brothers, Inc
Peter Puckle and
Other Fairy Tales
Color Illustrations
by Sari
c. 1940
McLoughlin Brothers, Inc
Little Nature
Color Illustrations
by Pru Herrick
c. 1940
McLoughlin Brothers, Inc
Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp
Illustrations by
Corinne Malvern
c. 1940
McLoughlin Brothers, Inc

#840 |

#841 |

#886 |

#804 |
from the Bible
Illustrated by
Priscilla Pointer
c. 1940
McLoughlin Brothers, Inc
The Lords Prayer
and the Beatitudes
by Priscilla Pointer
c. 1940
McLoughlin Brothers, Inc
Puss In Boots
Illustrated by Sari
c. 1941
McLoughlin Brothers, Inc.
Illustrated by Sari
c. 1942
McLoughlin Brothers, Inc.

#811 |

#893 |

#894 |

#874 |
One to Ten
A Number book
Pictures by Gillette French
c. 1942
McLoughlin Brothers, Inc.
Tom Thumb
Illustrated by
Anne Fleur
c. 1942
McLoughlin Brothers, Inc
Sunny Tales
Illustrated by
Anne Fleur
c. 1942
McLoughlin Brothers, Inc
The Toy Shop
Illustrations by
A. F. Lancaster
c. 1943
McLoughlin Brothers, Inc.