Other books in Behind the Moves series:
Mountain Biking Moves

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Published by Capstone Press
(Capstone High-Interest Books,
Behind the Moves Series)
Spring 2003
ISBN: 0-7368-1514-7
32 pages
Reading level grades 3-4
Interest level grades 3-9
Did you know?
Rock climbers often make their
way up
the sides of sheer cliffs by sticking fingers,
hands, arms and
even their whole body into
cracks to help themselves hold on.
Rock climbers use
their feet to do smears,
heel hooks, and toe hooks.
Read lots more about
climbing techniques,
as well as safety equipment and the different
types of rock
climbing. Plus learn what rock
climbers mean when they use terms like
hangdog, barndoor, bomber, screamer,
whipper, or zipper.
For more information: click here
To buy: amazon.com