The Write Sisters
We came together in 1989, a handful of writers from a number of towns in
southern New
Hampshire. We began as strangers, but soon discovered we
had much in common. We
struggled with the same issues, jobs,
raising young children, never enough hours in the
day, and a
passionate commitment to writing for children.
Some members left, new
members joined. Over the years, a core group of members grew
into a
solid group of writers, offering each other support, encouragement, and
through many ups and downs, both professionally and
personally. I am proud to call them
both my colleagues and friends.

Janet Buell
As a rule, Janet wasn't a
naughty child, but
for a short few months in 1960, she and her
best friend played Mushy Dolls. The game
involved burying her Tiny Tears and other
unfortunate doll victims beneath the
cottonwood tree in the back yard. This may
have been the first hint that Janet would
become the author of such books as Bog
Bodies, Greenland Mummies, Ice Maiden of
the Andes, and Ancient
Horsemen of Siberia.
Her latest book, Sail Away, Little Boat,
not the gross-out her earlier books are -- in
fact, it's a picture book. When she's not
hiking with her brainy cockapoo, Cooper,
Janet's zipping around New England on her
Harley. Website coming soon.

Muriel L. Dubois
Muriel is the award-winning author of more
than 35 books for children including New
Hampshire Facts and Symbols, To My
Countrywomen: The Life of Sarah Josepha
Hale, and Abenaki Captive. She enjoys
speaking to children and adults about writing
and publishing. Muriel writes from her home
in Bedford, New Hampshire where she also
spends part of the day letting her two dogs in
and out of the back yard. Learn more at

Diane Mayr
As a child,
Diane spent many Saturdays at
the local movie theater enjoying such films
as Old Yeller and House of Usher. She has
fond memories of malted milk balls rolling
down the theater aisle. Today Diane still goes
to movies, but more often her time is spent
writing. Her published works for children
include the picture books, Littlebat's
Halloween Story, and Run, Turkey,
The Everything Kids' Money Book, and
articles, activities, poems, stories in
magazines such as Spider. Her articles on
writing have appeared in The Writer. Diane
also works as an adult services librarian in
a public library. Learn more at

Andrea Murphy
Before her first book was published, Andrea
spent the better part of 2 decades writing
preschool curriculum and reading picture
books to her students at the Hogarth Country
Day School. Her published works include the
nonfiction book Portraits
of the States:
Georgia and the picture book Out
and About
at the Dairy Farm. Before she
converted her
barn into a school and opened Hogarth, Andy
owned two Guernsey dairy cows. Happily, she
no longer rises at 4:30 a.m. to hand-milk
cows. Learn more at www.AndreaMurphy.com

Barbara Turner
writes YA and MG novels, so of
course, her published work consists of picture
books – A Little Bit of Rob (Albert
and Out and About at the Orchestra
Window Books) as well as short stories and
poetry. As a child, she liked to read about
people in far away places, and as a teen
discovered SF/Fantasy, which took her to
really far away places. Tired of
alone, she now creates her own little worlds,
hoping others will take the journey with her.
Her website is near completion and will be
available for viewing when, and if, she
returns from her latest jaunt to far way.

Sally Wilkins
As a child Sally hid a flashlight under the
covers to finish a chapter after lights out.
In college she once walked into a lamppost
because she was reading while walking down
the sidewalk. Yes, she’s a bookworm. The
fatter the book, the better! One day Sally
finished an article in a magazine and realized
she knew the author. It had never occurred
to her that real people actually wrote all those
things she loved to read! Now she’s a writer,
too. Her favorite subjects are history and
science. Her fattest book is Sports and Games
of Medieval Cultures. And her favorite hobby
is hunting down and reading all those books
she loved years ago. Learn more at