Name ______________________________________________________________


Long e Words


The letters ee can make the long e sound. Fill in ee to make long e words from the story. Write the word.


1. sh____p   ________________


2. ch____red   _______________


3. tr____       ________________


4. p____ked    _______________


5. asl____p  ________________


6. thr____        _______________


Make two more ee words you would find on a farm.


1. s____d     ________________


2. b____t         _______________


The letters ea can make the long e sound. Fill in ea to make long e words from the story. Write the word.


1. h____p     ________________


2. n____r         _______________


3. l____ned  ________________


Make two more ea words you would find on a farm.


1. m____t     ________________ 2. b____n        _______________

Based on It's Time! by K. W. Deady/J. Newton          For more activities go to